Oduu Haaraya

Duguuginsa Shanyi Oromoorratti Geggeeffamaa jira

Gabaasaan Mayyu (ona Anniyyaa) irraa nu dhaqqabe akka mirkaneeysutti Waraannii dhaabbataan naannoo Soomalii kan Ogaaden fii loltoonni Liyyuu Polis kan Ogaaden keeysatti ummata shoorarkeeysuun beekkame, daangaa naannoo Oromiyaa cabseee, lafa Oromoo Anniyyaa, Mayyuu Muluqee humnaan dhuunfate. Akka gabaasaa tanaatti, torbaan dabre guyyaa Salaasaa, tuutni loltoota Somalee lamaanuu harka tokko tahanii Oromoorratti waliin bobbahanii jiraattoota Oromoo kanneen naannoo Mayyuu qubatan balaa guddaa irraan gahanii jiran.

Gaafa dura humna waraanaatiin dhufanii Oromiyaa dhunfatan, Wayyaaneen Ummata Oromoo kan amma wayyaba tahe saba xiqqatti deebisuun nidandayama yaada ja’u Mallas dubbatee ture. Sagantaa dabaa, tan ummata Oromoo xiqqeeysuufii lafa isaa dhiphisuu kana hojiirra oolchuuf Wayyaneen, ollaalee Oromiyaa gara hundaan hidhachiiftee Oromoorratti bobbaasaa jirti. Humni Liyyuu Poolis, humna wayyaaneen jaartee hidhachiifte tahuun hubatamaadha.

Tarkaanfiin Liyyuu Poolis fii humna waraana Ogaaden kan amma Mayyutti bobbahe kuni Oromoo lafa isarraa buqqisani saba biraa qubsiisuuf sagantaa lafa kaayyame dalagatti hiikuuf duula walirraa hin cinne tahee jira. Akka kanaan baatii ( ji’a ) jahan dabre baha Oromiyaa kutaa Harar, Oromoota Anniyya, Oromoo Jaarsoo tiifii Oromoo naannoo Mi’eeysoo qubatan lafa isaaniirraa buqqiftee Ogaadenootaafii Issaaf kennanii ummatoota Oromoo fii Soomalee jiddutti xifaa uumani jiran. Baatii April tana keessa, lafa Anniyyaa ona Mayyuu irratti duulli gara Ogaadeniin baname Oromoo kumaatamaan lafa isaa, Mayyurraa buqqisee jira. Oromoon meeshaa, humna waranaatiifii lojistikii (logistics) akka Liyyuu Polis waan hin qabneef lola itti baname dura dhaabbatuu hin dadeenye.

Warri Oromoo Anniyyaa, Jaarsoofii Mieeysotti duula banee jiru kun eenyu faa? 1) Waraana mootummaa naannoo Soomalii (Killil 5) fii 2) waraana addaa ka liyuu police ja’amu, ka wayyaaneen akeeka ykn dalagaa tanaaf qopheeyfatte.

Mayyu lafa jidduu Cululiifii laggeen Ereriifii Gobeelle jiddutti argamti. Lafti Mayyu ja’amtu tun hedduu guddoodha. Dheerinni isii kaabaa kibbatti km 350 ni caalti, baharraa dhihatti KM 180 ni caalti. Lola haaraya kanaan Qabeenyi Anniyyarraa a’ame (saamame); Loon 475, Gaala 25 fii Harree 15 Ummanni Oromoo Anniyyaa kan ona isaarraa buqqa’ee Huusetti walitti qabamee jiru 20,000 ni gayan ja’ama Namoonni gataniis ni jira. Namni Oromoo kan Liyyuu Polis fii waraana Killil shaniin ajjeefaman nama 37 ja’ama. Oromoon Mayyuu lafa qonnaa kani duraan qabaniifii oomisha isaanii akkasumatti humna ajjeeftootaatiif dhiisanii biraa baqatan.

Ummanni Oromoo qawwee gahaa hin qaban. Bakka heddutti mootummaan irraa hiiktee jirt. Hanga xiqqaa harkatti hafeef ammoo rasaasa hin qaban. Gara kaaniin ammoo Wayyaaneen Soomaloota Killil 5 ijaartee hdhachiiftee Oromoota nagaya (innocent civilian) irratti bobbaaftee jirti. Gara geejjibaatiin akkasumatti Oromoon ir’ina guddaa qaban. Yeroo kuni tahu Soomalootaafii Wayyaanota hidhannoo fii rasaasni konkolataa, xayyaaraa fii gaalatti fe’mee jala deema. Karaa biraatiin yoo Oromoon Anniyya humna waraana Soomalee kana ofirraa dhawan Wayyaaneen gara OPDO tiin hidhannoo ni hiikkachiifti. Torbaan dabre yeroo ummanni Oromoo Anniyyaa humna Soomalee ifirraa ittisuuf tattaafate, OPDOn ajaja Wayyaneetiin namoota Oromoo kudhanirraa qawwee hiikanii turan. Balaan ammaa tuni tan Anniyya, Jaarsoo fii Mi’eeyso qofa xiyyeeffattee miti. Balaan tuni Oromoo akka sabaatti lafarraa duguuguuf wixinamtee hojiirra oolaa jirti. Gochi kuni gocha duguugiinsa Shanyiiti.

Balaan tuni tan Wayyaneedhaan karoorfamre; balaa duguugiinsa shanyiiti. Kanaafuu Oromoon gara hundaan harka walqabatee, duguuginsa shannyi kan akka ummataatti isa aaggate kanarraa if eewaluu qaba.


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  1. It’s an grave historic mistake to create a somali state on ethiopian soil in the first place. The wayanee is effectively REVERSING the result of the Siad Barre’s war with ethiopia to create “Greater Somalia” that ended with blood and bones of at least a family member of almost every Ethiopian home. By expelling half million oromos from their ancentsral lands, the govt. settled ethnically “clean” somalis, aka Barre’s children, who made clear will join proper Somalia, but will not stop pushing us until they connect Greater Somalia with Khartum as part of the greater project of building the Empire of Islam. It’s an insult to the Ethiopian heroes and heroines of the ethio-somalia war and a shame on ALL Ethiopians for forgetting the sacrifices of our fathers and tolerating somalis to create ethnically “clean” state, on the vast land of Hargarghe where oromos lived for millenia. Some fool oromos are telling us Somalis and oromos should work together to remove wayyane, as if somalis would stop by reming wayane. Of course, why should somalis be exception to invade oromo land when oromos are at each others neck and people are defenseless. Actaully I dont blame them more than oromos. I call on all Ethiopians (Amaharas, oromos, sidama, Anuak, southern peoples) who are affected by wayyane attrocities of ethnic cleaning to work together and remove them from power. Going alone never worked and will never work!

  2. It’s an grave historic mistake to create a somali state on ethiopian soil in the first place. The wayanee is effectively REVERSING the result of the Siad Barre’s war with ethiopia to create “Greater Somalia” that ended with blood and bones of at least a family member of almost every Ethiopian home. By expelling half million oromos from their ancentsral lands, the govt. settled ethnically “clean” somalis, aka Barre’s children, who made clear will join proper Somalia, but will not stop pushing us until they connect Greater Somalia with Khartum as part of the greater project of building the Empire of Islam. It’s an insult to the Ethiopian heroes and heroines of the ethio-somalia war and a shame on ALL Ethiopians for forgetting the sacrifices of our fathers and tolerating somalis to create ethnically “clean” state, on the vast land of Hargarghe where oromos lived for millenia. Some fool oromos are telling us Somalis and oromos should work together to remove wayyane, as if somalis would stop by reming wayane. Of course, why should somalis be exception to invade oromo land when oromos are at each others neck and people are defenseless. Actaully I dont blame them more than oromos. I call on all Ethiopians (Amaharas, oromos, sidama, Anuak, southern peoples) who are affected by wayyane attrocities of ethnic cleaning to work together and remove them from power. Going alone never worked and will never work!