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Food Insecurity Catastrophe In Ethiopia Is Due to The Carelessness of The Dictator TPLF Government for The Life of Oromo People

Human Rights Watch have reported how the Ethiopian Dictator government is taking the foreign aid to discriminate the Oppressed nations like Oromo ,Somali, and others by arrangining access to safety net programs on help for the TPLF.
This year,the ongoing famine and drought is got worse by the global weather phenomenon and caused deaths of many cattles and puts over fifteen million people at danger.
After denying the ongoing catastrophe for a couples of weeks,The dictator Ethiopian government admitted at the end to just lie to the media about having enough food to stop the famine. But it has been reported that the grain for emergency problem is finished a while ago. Barrie Came,WFP representative also reported that the food supply is scarce to tackle the problem.
The government have claimed that the country has achieved food security at a national level just to lie about having enough food for everybody in the empire. The availability of food in the empire that doesn’t mean that the area affected by drought have enough food. Falling in the crop production directly affects food availability,employment and livelihood of farmers,which restricts them from buying food from the market.
The dictator Ethiopian Government has ignored the seasonal rain failure forecast . If the government gave the information to the media and the local government to address pastoralists to take their cattle near rivers or highlands,most of the animal loss would have been avoided and the relief aid would have been sent on time.
The government do not have motivation to be commited for the people to tackle the hunger from happening. Because the dictator Ethiopian government is always irresponsible. Ethiopia is characterized by the lack of political motivation generated by election ,multiparty politics and investigative journalism.
The TPLF has cleared out the opposition bodies that are treat to its power. Fresh from its complete victory with divided political parties and with out political criticism,the dictator regim don’t have to suffer the political consequences of its failure to protect famine.
Information flow and free press democracy are essentials to bring information that can have impact on the policies for famine protection. If the international media had not reported the dictator Ethiopian government would have hide it and many more life would be lost.The humanitarian help is needed to stop the ongoing crisis. But the propaganda of TPLF that the current famine is due to drought is completely false and irresponsible towards the victims. So the problem should be addressed very fast as much as possible.
To achieve food security and to prevent the problems of famine all we need is a democratic governance.And to get this democratic government we have to pay our life for it, meaning we have to revolt against the dictator Ethiopian government TPLF with the aggressive military fight.To achieve the success we have to stand together with Oromo Liberation Front(OLF) and be part of Oromo Liberation Army(OLA).
Oromia Shall Be Free!!!
Yunus Abdellah Ali

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