Leenjiso Horo

Abiy Ahmed’s erecting Memorial Statues for genocidists of the Oromo for Menelik II and Haile Selassie

December 10, 2023 Leenjiso Horo    This article addresses the issue of the Oromo failure to erect memorial statues and Museums…

1 year ago

Response to Dr. Yonas Biru, the Oromo Phobic and Oromo Hater Amhara Ultrarightist Extremist

September 2, 2023 Leenjiso Horo Dr. Yonas Biru has shown in his political Swinging Pendulum between being half Oromo and…

1 year ago

Oromo: A blessed nation confronted with paradoxes

Leenjiso Horo May 2015 The Oromo are a blessed nation. They are blessed with huge population, vast country, abundant natural…

10 years ago