
OMN crew having dinner with Abba Dulla while Australian Community February 1, 2015 (GiDira Vs EbiSa – Facebook) — It reminds me one of those employee appreciation day when…

10 years ago

“Wataaddarrii akkamiin Jeneraala ari’a”

Rakkoolee OMN keessatti mudataniiru jedhaman qulqulleessuuf koreen tokko boordii OMNiin dhaabbatee ture. Koreen kunis dhimma kanarratti qorannoo gaggeessuun bu’aa qorannoo isaa…

10 years ago

Tuesday, November 4, 2014: The Citizens of Texas Vote for Prof. Mohammed Abbajebel Tahiro for United States Senate

Mohammed Abbajebel Tahiro was born in Ethiopia, East Africa, in 1964. After completing his elementary and secondary education, he enrolled…

10 years ago

“ABO jechuun lafee ummtaa Oromoo jechuudha, faajjii ummata Oromoo jechuudha” eenyuun fakkeessuuf Alaaba Oromoo qabatee habashatti galuufi ODF?

Guyyaan Gootota Oromoo MN USA bara kanaa keessummaa kabajaa taate kan argamte, Gootittii j/ Urjii Dhaabaa miseensa WBO duraanii kan…

11 years ago