Agaw Liberation Forces, the OLF and Others Against the Tigrean Nafxanya

It is good news that Amharinya-speaking Agaw are slowly waking up and starting to figure out that they are suffering…

9 years ago

Quuftee Of-wallaalte..!

Gaaditee hin elmattuu Tola siif dhaabbataa Sodaa takka malee Elmattee ol-kaataa Harmeen haati loonii Manni isii gu’ee Tokkichattii hin baatuu…

9 years ago

Report on failure of OPDO’s mission in Kenya as they felt everywhere as usual

The Oromo community would like to inform all its members in Kenya and the entire Oromo people, that the intended…

9 years ago


Mootummaa abbaa irree aangoo isaa Dheereffatuuf jechaa Dhiyeenya kana Biyyoottan Alaa keessatti Salphini Guddaan kan isa Mudate ta’uun isaa ifatti…

9 years ago

Creation of Oromo National Dialog for Unity

By Kassim Sheimo  The last 24 years of Oromo struggle against TPLF regime has been a failure by many aspect…

9 years ago

Qotee bulaa Oromoo Salaalee, akka dhala bineensaa gabaa keessatti fannisuun faashistummaa Wayyaanee, tuffii ummata Oromoof qabdu kan muldhisee dha.

TPLF eega aangoo qabatttee kaaftee, ilmaan Oromoo kumaatamatti lakka’aman alduree seeraa tokko malee ajjeesuun, hidhuun, dhabamsiisuun, shororkeessuun amala bulchiisa Wayyaanee…

9 years ago

Can the Two Biggest Nations – the Oromo and the Agaw – yet Cooperate Against the System of Domination in Oromia?

[i]Few years ago, a known historian prof Laphiso Delebo disclosed the presence of 23 million Agaw in Oromia (Ethiopia). That…

9 years ago

TPLF, Stop The Killing of Innocent Oromo People.

 By  Mekonenn Elalla Fekadu The united nation international human right convention paragraph 9, 10, and 11 declare no citizen of…

9 years ago

Hating woyane only by thought will not lead us to freedom

Firehiwot Guluma Tezera Jan 10,2015 There is no doubt that the biggest aspiration of Oromo nationals living abroad and under…

9 years ago

Dhumaatii Barattoota Oromoof Itti Gaafatmaa Ka ta’e Dabballeen Wayyaanee Zalaalam Jamaneh USA, Naannoo Maryland maadheffatee akka Jiru saaxilame.

By Fayisa Tesfaye Waggoota dheeraadhaaf sabboontota fi lammii Oromoo mana hidhaatti guursisaa fi ajjeessisaa ka turee fi ammas jabeeysee gochaa…

9 years ago