Ethiopia: Double digit growth or collapsing economy?

8 years ago

 The light railway system under construction in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The government’s increasing reliance on foreign loans is posing a…

In Mount Vernon, Moussa Ali conducts a one-man protest for the Oromo People

8 years ago

(Baltimore City Paper) — It’s a bright, breezy Saturday in Mount Vernon with little else happening, making it even harder to…


8 years ago

Saphaloo Kadiir irraa Waa malee miti, 'waatoo jala waatu jira' yoo jedhu oromoon koo. Eeyyee! Ilmaan saba kootii, yeroon ammaa…

Ammaan tana warashaaleen dhunfaa fi mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaa keessa jiran keessatii Moormiin akka hin kaaneef eegumsii fi hordoffiin cimaan godhamaa jira.

8 years ago

Tokkummaa Barattoota Oromoo ============================= Yeroo amma kana warshaalleen Hundi human waraanan eegamaa jiru.Sababiin isaas hojjattootni kuni gaaffii mirgaa yeroo gara…

Humnoonni Mootummaa Magaalaa Mandiitti Uummata Faarfannaa Amantii Faarfataa Deemu Reeban, Ka Jedhame Aangawoonni Mootummaa Ni Haalan

8 years ago

WASHINTON,DC — VAO Godinaa Wallagga Lixaa, aanaa Mana-sibuu, magaalaa Mandii keessatti – Konferensii Waldaa Kiristaanaa Mekaane Yasuus, ka Jimaata, Sanbataa…

Ethio Telecom to charge for use of Whatsapp and Viber to make calls

8 years ago

Ethiopians are set to begin paying for VoIP services like Whatsapp and Viber to make calls after the country’s telcom…

Ethiopia at centre of global farmland rush

8 years ago

Ethiopia at centre of global farmland rush Locals move out as international contractors seize opportunities offered by government to lease…

Bulchoota Baankii Biyya Alaatti Horii Dhoffatan Irratti Beekan Keessaa Tokko,Muummeen Ministera Iceland Yahujii Irraa Bu’e

8 years ago

Muummee ministera ICELAND, Sigmundur David Qoodi Yaadawwan Ilaali WASHINTON,DC — Gaazexeessitotii biyya hedduu gaazexaa Jermenii tokkollee gargaara itti argatanii bulchoota,abbootii siyaasaa,daldaltootaa…

Millions Starve As Ethiopia Rejects Eritrean Ports

8 years ago

By Thomas C. Mountain ( – As famine stalks millions of Ethiopians, and aid ships wait forever to unload at…