TV4 exposed Al Amoudi and H&M

8 years ago

Is H&M turning a blind eye to land grabs in Ethiopia? TV4 does an investigation into H&M’s cotton sourcing from…

Dhimmi Dabbasaa Guyyoo Mana Murtii Keeniyaatti Laallame

9 years ago

Manni murtii Keeniyaa nama Dhabamuu Obbo Dabbasaa waliin walqabatee himatame irraatti ragaa dhaggeeffate. Obbo Dabbasan nama ganna 70ti, keeniyaa erga…

Ethiopia: Oromo protests continue amid harsh crackdown

9 years ago

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  - At first sight, things seem to have returned to normality in the town of Ambo, 120…

The Ugly Side of Ethiopia’s Economic Boom

9 years ago

The East African country is facing its biggest protest movement in decades. Its uncompromising approach to development is to blame.…

Ethiopia: Government says Oromia has self-rule but activists vow to continue protests

9 years ago

People in Ethiopia's Oromia state already have self-rule and protesters' demands are already in place, an Ethiopian official told IBTimes…

Finfinneen Bishaan Dabaree Argachuun Dirqii Ta’e

9 years ago

WASHINGTON, DC — VOA Kutaalee Finfinnee hanga tokko keessatti bishaan dabaree dhiyeessuun dirqii kan ta’e sababaa hongee EL NINOn dhaqqabsiiseen…

Evictions, unrest take gloss off Ethiopia’s impressive construction boom

9 years ago

Foreign investors including Dangote Cement had property damaged as protestor grievances birthed country's most serious political crisis in a decade.…

Koomishinni Mirga Dhala Namaa Itoophiyaa Paarlaamaa Dha Gabaasa Dhiheessufi

9 years ago

WASHINGTON, DC —  Mormii Oromiyaa fi gaafii eenyumma ummanni Qimaant kaasee irratti lubbuu namoota darbee, han madahee, akkasumas bayyina nama…

Jaarmayaaleen Oromoo waliin hojjachuu danda’uu qofa kan Oromoo injifannotti geessu

9 years ago

Ilmaan Oromoo bahaa-dhiha, kaabaa-kibba dhimmi isaan walitti hidhee jiru Oromummaa fi Oromiyaa dha. Wanta hunda dursuu kan qabu, dhaabbileen maqaa…