Selam Bus Attacked in Nekemte Oromia Region

9 years ago Selam Bus arrived in Nekemte today after being absent for three weeks. The minute it arrived, the youth ordered…

Barattoonni Yuniverstii Dirre Dhawaa hidhattii guuramaa jiru

9 years ago

‪#‎OromoProtests‬ mass arrest at Dire Dawa University. Students are being taken to the notorious Hurso Military cammp. You might have…

Oromoonni Aamboo yeroo reefka goota isii simattu..

9 years ago

‪#‎OromoProtests‬ the moment people of Ambo received their martyred hero Abdata Olansa. Abdata was tortured to death. January 12, 2016…

Addis Ababa master plan: Who are the Oromo people, Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group?

9 years ago The Borana Oromo, also called the Boran, are a pastoralist ethnic group living in southern Ethiopia (Oromia) and northern…

Minnesota’s Oromo decry crackdown on protesters in Ethiopia

9 years ago Members of Minnesota’s Oromo community are rallying at the State Capitol to protest how their East African homeland’s government…

OPDO failed once again to answer the legitimate demands of the Oromo people!

9 years ago

  The Central Committee of OPDO, the party that represents the ruling EPRDF and the Federal government in Oromia, just…

Hamma mootummaan mirgaaf dantaa ummata Oromoo kabajee kabachiisu jaaramutti qabsoo isaa itti fufuu qaba.

9 years ago

Dhugaan Oromoo tola OPDOtiin osoo hin taane wareegama ilmaan isaatin baate; mirga abbaa biyyumaa guutus falmaan malee tolaan hin argatu…

Decades Worth Of Fear Has Turned Into Anger In Ethiopia

9 years ago

(EthioMedia) — As protests in the Oromia region intensify, TPLF has turned to its security forces once again to silence…

Yoomii as OPDO’n murtii laachuu jalqabde?

9 years ago

(Obsaan dubbisii xumuri, 'share' godhii dabarsi) (By: Saphaloo Kadiir) OPDO sammuutu gara gale moo, moo rafteeti bursusa haasawaa jirti dhiiroo?…