The Oromo People’s right to independence can not be achieved by a fake Election that Ethiopia prepares and controls

9 years ago

By Saartuu Magarsaa A democratic system is a system in which a government of the people is established by the…

Kora ABO Kutaa Kanaadaa (Garee J/Kamaal Galchuu)

9 years ago

  ABOn B/General  Kemal Galchuun hooganamu  Caamsaa  16-17, 2015 biyya Kanadaa, magaalaa Calgary keessatti kora isaa kan waggaa odhachuudhaan miseensotaa…

Xenophobic riots in South Africa

9 years ago

At least six people have been killed in attacks on immigrants in South Africa in the last two weeks. President…

South Africa: Xenophobic attacks against black “foreigners” spreading

9 years ago

Xenophobic violence has spread to South Africa, while poverty stricken foreign nationals in six of South Africa's nine provinces seek…

Illegal immigrants from Ethiopia attempting to cross into Yemen stand at their makeshift shelter in Bosasso, northern Somalia’s breakaway Puntland region

9 years ago

  (Reuters) — Illegal immigrants from Ethiopia attempting to cross into Yemen stand at their makeshift shelter in Bosasso, northern…

Godaanttota heraan alaa fi Motummaa Masrii

9 years ago

Hegeree Oromiyaa  Ebela 15/2015 Godaanttonni Ethiopia namni 19 qabamee harka Motummaa Masrii jiraachuun isaanii gabaafamee jira. Akka gaazexaan Sagalee "Nubaa…

Guyyaa goototaa Oromoo ilaachisuun dhaamsa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO-Jijjiramaa)

9 years ago

  Ilmaan Oromoo sadarkaa gara garaa keessatti dirqamaa fi imaanaa jaallan wareegamanii fudhattani qabsoo roga hundaa gaggeessaa jirtanii fi walumaa…

Obboleewwan lama turan kan dukkana isaanii keessatti ibiddi itti lakkifame. Tokko lubbuun isaa dabrite, inni lammaffaa hospitaala jira.

9 years ago

Hookkarri lammiilee biyyoota Afrikaa biroo kanniin Afrikaa Kibaa keessa jiraatan irratti xiyyeeffate torbaan kana keessa babal’achuu isaati kan gabaafame. Lammiileen…

New Dirama Afaan Oromoo (Sin Dabrin)

9 years ago

Aartii Afaan Oromoo Guddisuuf gummaacha keenya haa baanu!!! Yaada qofa kannachuun guddina Aartiitiif humaa hin godhu. Tanaaf gahee gama keenyaa…