Flare-Up in Ethiopia’s Oromia Region

10 years ago

June 13, 2014 (Early Warning Project) – Our statistical risk assessments continue to identify Ethiopia as one of the world’s countries at greatest…

Gadaan Kasabaa…

10 years ago

Nuti nurraa dhugaa Mee nutin qoosina, Numarrahi gadii…. Mee nun akkeesinaa. Nu isinirraa addaa If nun fakkeesina. Madaa hamtuu qabna…

Ajjeechaa Ilmaan Oromoo irratti Dhoksaan Hammarreessa Keessatti Barootaan Raawwatamaa ture Ifa Bahe

10 years ago

Ajjeechaan jumlaa, hidhaa, hiraara, saaminsaa fi cunqursaan bittoota Itophiyaan ummatoota Itophiyaa irra gahu kan barootaan lakkaa’ame, wayyaa’uu hin dandeenye dhaalamaa…

Qabsoon Murti-Guuto cimee itti fufeeraa!!

10 years ago

 Madda Walaabuu Press on 6/12/2014 Guyyaa ar'a magaalabn Harar iddoon Hammaareysaa jedhamu waltajjii qabsoo Afran Qalloo Oromoo akkasumaas dirree waraana…

A Mass Grave is found in Harar

10 years ago

Sources told the Reporter newspaper that a mass grave is found at the Hamaresa kebele of the Harar city recently.…

Wayyaaneen humna waraanaa of harkaa qabu uummata Oromoo irratti bobbaase…

10 years ago

Waraannii Wayyaanee Aanaa Gindabarat irra qubsiifamee jiru, uummaata nagaa irraatti waraana banuun barattoota Oromoo kutaa 12ffaa Sadii ajjeese. (Gabaasa Qeerroo…

Ethiopia’s Police State: The Silencing of Opponents, Journalists and Students Detained

10 years ago

By Paul O’Keeffe Global Research Detention under spurious charges in Ethiopia is nothing new. With the second highest rate of…

Humna Waraanaa Oromoo cimsuun gaafii yeroo waan ta’eef deebii hatattamaa argachuu qaba

10 years ago

  Abdii Boruutiin Barruu kana sagalee Falmataa Roorrootiin... Barreeffama kiyya kan isa kana duraa keessatti waayee barbaachisummaa cimina qabsoo hidhannoo…

One of the most gruesome mass murder committed against the Oromo people

10 years ago

By Gadaa Democracy This past Sunday , June 8, 2014 workers clearing land at the former Hameressa military camp stumbled on…

The demolishing and torturing of the Oromo’s by the Tigiray People Liberation Front (TPLF) bring stability in the horn of Africa?

10 years ago

By Alemayehu Tilahun G. Life imprisonment, a life sentence, lifelong incarceration or life incarceration is any sentence of imprisonment for…