Oromos: The new challenges

10 years ago

By Yaadasaa Dafa Changes in technology and today’s world’s politics of globalism and human relation trends do have their unique…

The Struggle over Finfinnee is the Struggle for Oromia

10 years ago

By Mekuria Bulcha Part Two Protest Against Lethal Crimes Committed in the Name of Development As I have indicated in Part…

Unethical Journalism will not Change the Reality on the Ground

10 years ago

Open letter to Tizita Belachew and Addissu Abebe of VOA Amharic Service By Daandii Qajeelaa  Dear Mrs. Tizita Belachew and…

Hoogganoota ABO Maraafi

10 years ago

   Seenaa Bu’uresitootaa, Hogganootaa, qondaalotaa,  miseensota ABO fii Dhaaba ABO baraaruudhaan tokkummaa qabsaawota ummanni keenya lallabuufi arra yoo hindhugoomisine yoom…

“የ መለስ ዜናዊ ሚስጥሮች …..በተስፋዬ ገ/አብ” – Tesfaye G.Ab

10 years ago

በየእለቱ አዳዲስ ዜናዎች እንሰማለን። ለአብነት “ስዩም መስፍን በቻይና የኢትዮጵያ አምባሳደር ሆነ” የሚለው ተራ ዜና ነበር። “ስዩም ተወረወረ” ብለን ያመንንም ነበርን።…

Seenaa waggaa 3000 fajaja waggaa kuma sadii bu’aa muudama badii

10 years ago

Birhanu M Lenjiso`s Socio-Political Reflections and Deflections Seenaa waggaa 3000 fajaja waggaa kuma sadii bu’aa muudama badii ....................................... lolaaf beellamatanii…

Waamicha Hiriira Mormii Haawaasa Oromoo Awroopaa Maraaf Brussels, Belgium

10 years ago

Waa’ee Qotee bultoota Oromoo handhuura Oromiyaa irra buqqisuu, qabeenya isa saamuu, ajechaa fi hidhaa barattoota Oromoo irra gahaa jiru mormachuuf…

Land-grapping by the Ethiopian Regime Intensifies and May Turn Deadly in Ogaden – Shinile region

10 years ago

  An ONLF Press release For immediate distribution   The Ethiopian Army Eastern Command in Ogaden at its HQ in…

TPLF Terror regime in Ethiopia – VOA Afaan Oromo and Amharic

10 years ago

Listen to interviews with local people -  VOA Afaan Oromoo Caamsaa 30, 2014 VOA – Amharic on May 30, 2014 Interview…

Hiriira guyyaa 28.05.2014 magaala Barliinitt​i ta`e – dhaddannoo keenyaa-“W​e have our dead, you have your party”

10 years ago

  Qeeqannaa ayyaana waggaa 23`ffaa TPLF/EPRDF erga Oromiyaa qabate ilaalchisee Lammii keenya nagaan haa gayuu Ayyaana Wayyaaneen waggaa 23`ffaa erga…