Dhiiroo Kamiin filannuu?

11 years ago

online poll by Opinion Stage

Earnest appeal to the leadership of ODF

11 years ago

I have been following the process leading to the formation of ODF by former top officials of OLF with growing…

Jiruu Warraaqxota Oromoo eeggatu; Tasks of Oromo Revolutionaries

11 years ago

By Ibsaa Guutama  Jiruun warraqxota Oromoo eeggatu in jalqabaa bilisummaa Oromiyaati. Hanga yoonaa qaccee nafxanyaaf akka addaatt haa ta’u ifaatt…

Ethiopia: How Foreign Oil Companies Annihilated the Lives of Ordinary African Population in Ogaden Region

11 years ago

February 4, 2014 (CNN iReport) — The Ogaden is a territory comprising the south-eastern portion of the Somali Regional State…

Ilmi Abbaa Basaasun, Haati Intala Basaasun Aadaa keenyaa Miti!

11 years ago

Baarentuu Gadaa irraa  Akkuma hunduu beeku murni Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa weerartee bulchaa jirtu wayyaaneen ummatoota biyyattii keessattuu saba Oromoorratti xiyyeeffattee maqaa…

Voice of Oromiyaa. Mass Poisoning of Haramaya University Students on Friday, January 31, 2014

11 years ago

Barattoonni Oromoo yuniversitii Haroomaayaa keessatti baratan 500rr haga namna 700 ol kan tahan summii nyaachifaman sagal  keessa lubbuun baduun gabaafame...gabaasaa…

Somalis balk at plans for Ethiopian troops

11 years ago

Thousands of Ethiopians will be deployed as part of an African Union peacekeeping mission, worrying many in Somalia February 3,…

Ethiopian prisoner of conscience Mr Bekele Gerba life in danger due to lack of medical care

11 years ago

February 3, 2014 (CNN iReport) — Mr Bekele Gerba Ethiopian prisoner of conscience and lecturer in Addis Ababa University life…

Ergamtooti Wayyaanee Abbaa Duulaan durfamu Embassy Itophiyaa Washington, DC keessatti ergama raawwatuuf yaalaa jiru.

11 years ago

Ayyaantuu.com, Washington, DC | Gurraandhala 2, 2014 Ergamtooti mootummaa abbaa irree Wayyaanee/TPLF kan Abbaa Duulaa Gammaadaa (Minaasee W/Giorgis) durfamu ajaja…

Ayyaanni WBO Magaalaa Perth keessatti Kabajame milkii fi injifannoon xumuramee

11 years ago

Guraandhala 2, 2014,  MOA, Perth;- Ayyaanni WBO Amajjii 26/2014 magaalaa guddittii “West Australia” kan taate “Perth” ti sirna hoo’aa fi…