TPLF tank is ready to protect TPLF bank, but the role of the Ethiopian prime minster resembles gastric bypass

7 years ago

By Dr.Baro keno Deressa I am educated as a medical doctor to treat patients during illness and injury to live…

Shororkeessaan Eenyu?

7 years ago

Baarentuu Gadaa Irraa Shororkeessaan eenyu?  isa akkamiititu shororkeessadha?  Isa walqixxummaaf falmu, isa  mirga saba isaaf  qabsaawu, isa dimookiraasii dhugaaf dubbatu…

Ergamaa tokkoo buusanii  ergamaa biraa kaa’uunis ta’e, Labsii yerooo muddamaa  uummata mirga isaaf qabsaawurratti labsuun qabsoo Ummataa duubatti hin deebisu.

7 years ago

Baarentuu Gadaa Irraa// Wayyaaneen  waggoota 26n darbaniif  uummattoota biyyattii  afaan qawweettin ukkaamsitee saamaa, hidhaa fi ajjeesaaq turtee jirti. Bakka kun…

Jaalalaa fii kabajaa siyaastoota Oromoo hidhaarraa yaafaman

7 years ago

  Gootowwan keenya Obbo Olbaanaa Leellisaa fi Obbo Dajanee Xaafaa dararaa waggaa 7 booda akkasitti walitti deebi’uu keessaniif gammanneerra. Injifannoo…

As promised Qeerroo has also freed Hailemariam Desalegn from his prison cell called the puppet minister office!!

7 years ago

Finfinnee, Gurraandhala 8,2010(FBC) -Muummen ministiraa Haaylamaariyaam Dassaalany taayitaa gadhiisuuf xalayaa galfatan. Muummen ministiraa ibsa laataniin sababiin taayitaa gadhiisuu isaanii yeroo…

Somali-Oromo clashes halt Khat transport to Somaliland

7 years ago

The Khat trad   ers and consumers in breakaway Somaliland have been facing khat shortage for the last three days…

BREAKING: Ethiopia’s prime minister submits resignation, the state affiliated Fana reports.

7 years ago

BREAKING: Ethiopia's prime minister submits resignation, the state affiliated Fana reports.

The Oromo people Question is cure (substance) instead of palliation (symbolic)

7 years ago

  My people Oromo, we have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many,…

Ka hammarreeysatti obboleeytii isaa dhabe

7 years ago

Obboleeytii tiyyaa na jalaa ajjeesan!

Duguuggaa shanyii guyyaa ar’aa magalaa hammarreeysaa

7 years ago

#HamaressaMassacre Displacing over one million Oromos, Killings and detentions of thousands more in just less than two-three months without Federal government…