“Siifan Lolaa Oromoo Narra hin gortuu”

9 years ago

  Oduu Ho'aa Ammaa; Muddee 16 Bara 2015 Godina Iluu Abbaa Booraati Baratootin Mana Barumsaa Qophaahina Sadarkaa 2ffaa Abdii Borii…

Ethiopia: Anti-terror rhetoric will escalate brutal crackdown against Oromo protesters

9 years ago

Protesters have been labelled ‘terrorists’ by Ethiopian authorities in an attempt to violently suppress protests against potential land seizures, which…


9 years ago

  Labsiin doorsisuu kaleessa galgala baafte diddaafi murannoo Oromootaatin kan simatame Wayyaaneen, ammas kijiba biraatin as baate. Kunis 'biiroon Maastar…

Ethiopia: Amnesty warns against ‘brutal crackdown’ on protesters

9 years ago

Anti-terror rhetoric by Ethiopia's government could escalate into a brutal crackdown on protesters, human rights group Amnesty International has warned.…

#‎OromoProtests‬ Asabot (West Hararge) December 16, 2015

9 years ago

‪ Mormii Harargee Lixaa, Magaalaa Asaboot

Ethiopia Growth Clashes With Politics as Oromo Protests Rise

9 years ago

http://www.bloomberg.com/ Ethiopia’s rapid economic growth needs a burgeoning capital and less dependence on traditional farming. That’s pitting the government against…

Unrelenting attempt to annihilate a peace-loving people: the Oromo case in point

9 years ago

  By: Falamata Biyaa Background The Oromo are one of the most ancient peoples on earth. Their history goes back…

‪#‎OromoProtests‬ children murderedby TPLF in Awaday yesterday december 15, 2015

9 years ago

=========== Tun joollee kaleessaa Wayyaaneen Awwadaay keessatti fixxeedha

Addis Ababa master plan: Ethiopian government denies dozens killed in capital expansion protest

9 years ago

http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/The Oromo community protest in London over forced eviction and 'ethnic cleansing' in Ethiopia.IBTimes UK At least five people have…

‪#‎OromoProtests‬ doctors and nurses at Adama hospital Say No to the Master Plan and mass killing of Oromos

9 years ago

Doktoroonnifi narsoonni Hospitaala Adaamaa Maastar Pilaanii fi ajjeechaa Oromorratti raaw'ataa jiru morman