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10 years ago


10 years ago

  KALEESSAF DHEENGADDA, KICHUU HEDDUU MURTEE DHIIRAA DHALAAN JENNE HUNDHEEDHUMAAN HAAMTE. bineensa bosonaa, boqonnaa dhorkitee mukkeen gurguddaadhaa, gaaddisayyoo cirtee, lafa…

Afoola Oromoo: Qoosaa kutaa duraa

10 years ago

Qarshii liqeeffataa fi qarshii liqeessaatu jira Qarshii liqeeffataa:- Kanaan booda umrii dheeraa waanan qabu natti hin fakkaatu abjuu  kootiin halkan edaa…

ምርጫ እና ምርጫ በ2007! ዕጣ! ጣጣ! . . . የምር ይውጣ

10 years ago ምርጫ 2007ን ከሌሎች ምርጫዎች ሁሉ ልዩ የሚደርገው ምርጫ ቦርድ ከምርጫው በፊት ፓርቲዎችን (ተፎካካሪ) በማፍረስ ጀምሮ የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ እጩ ተወዳዳሪዎችን…

Hundeeffama Wagga Tokkoffa OMN moo kuffinsaa OMN wagga tokkoffa booda jedhama laata?

10 years ago

Ashama harka fuune jaallewan kiyya iddo jirtanittii Nageeyyi koo kan onnerra madduu isiin haa qaqabuu jecha yaada fi Oduu tokko…

Oromia’s forests are burning, latest fire broke out in Hararge (Carcar)

10 years ago

Kun kan gubachaa jiru bosona Baaleti. Bosonni Cilaaloo inni Arsiitti argamus laboobni abiddasaa inni wayyaanen itti qabsiifte waan dhaamu hin…

Liberation and Democratization of Biyya-Oromo in Particular and Biyya-Kush in General

10 years ago

It is a known fact that the non-stop theme of discussion among the Oromo polity is the "conflict": 'Ethiopian Democratization…

Walaloo Afaan Oromoo/Moosinni Ni Dabra

10 years ago

Integrated Master Plan or Intended Marginalisation Plan against Oromos?

10 years ago

"My task which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear,…

Oromians: Can We Welcome the Agaw Nation to Club of the Colonized Nations in the Horn?

10 years ago

The current new move of all oppressed nations in the Tigrean empire (camouflaged as Ethiopia) to forge an inclusive alliance…