Oromos face chilling oppression in Ethiopia

10 years ago

In Ethiopia they live like animals, relentlessly persecuted, hunted down like games, killed at will and incarcerated en masse. No…

Afeerraa Walgahii Hatattamaa Tokkummaa humnoota bilisummaa Oromiyaa ULFO  irraa  dhihaate.

10 years ago

27/02/2015 060/01//2015       Gara Oromiyaa midea Netwok     Dhaabbiilee siyaasaa kan bilisummaafii walabummaa Oromiyaa tiif qabsaawaniif. -Gootota…

Qube Afaan Oromoo (oromo language) and Ethiopian government discouragement.

10 years ago

Qube Afaan Oromoo (oromo language) and Ethiopian government discouragement. Gezahegn Lemma Fituma/ feb 28 There have been times in history…

Oromai System of Tigrean Nafxanya in Oromia!

10 years ago

Oromai (an Eritrean Tigrinya word meaning 'it is pointless', borrowed from the Italian oramai) is an Amharic-language novel, published in…

Ibsa Miseensota Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Awurophaa.

10 years ago

  Guyyaa 24-02-2015 Nuti miseensoni Adda bilisumma oromoo godina Awuropha hala dhiyenaa kana matan motummaa wayyannee kan ta.e abbay tshayen…

Walaloo: Waanjoo Gabrummaa

10 years ago

Najiib Zannuun

Gootonni Dargaggoonni Oromoo Jimmaa Warraaqasa Bilisummaa Finiinsuun Diddaa Kaasan,Poolisoonni Oromiyaas FDG Tumsan

10 years ago

  Waldorgommii Ispoortii Akka Oromiyaatti Magaalaa Jimmaa irratti gaggeeffamaa jiruun wal qabatee Guyyaa hardhaa Magaalaan Jimmaa Wallee Warraaqsaa FDGf uummata…

OPDOn Tigraay keessatti Bixxilamuu Yaadachiisuun kun Qaama Dhaadannoo ‘LIKK ENASGEBACHUHALEN’ Dhihoo Kanaa ti

10 years ago

Boruu Barraaqaa irraa  OPDOn gaafa bixxilamtee qabee seenaan isiin himataa baate ‘Kaaba Shawaa aanaa Darraa keessatti jaaramne’ kan jedhu ture.…

Agaw Liberation Forces, the OLF and Others Against the Tigrean Nafxanya

10 years ago

It is good news that Amharinya-speaking Agaw are slowly waking up and starting to figure out that they are suffering…