Sadarkaa duraatti kan qabsoo Oromoof gumaacha godhe Macaa fii Tuulama

10 years ago

Gaafiif deebisa preezdaanttii ADO obboo leencoo Lataa waliin taasifam...seenaa qabsoo laalchisee

~Waan Dalaydan keessatti, Rabbiin Sodaadhaa,Cubbuu Hin Dalaginaa, Dhara Hin Dubbatinaa

10 years ago

URGENT: Statement released by Western Australian Oromo Community

10 years ago

(Oromedia, 21 January 2015)The Western Australian Oromo Community says any individual or/and group of individuals who may take part in …

Alaaba Oromoo Ibsiitu dukkanaa, guyyaa si dhabbannee gabrummarraa baanaa!!

10 years ago

Amajjii 1. Guyyaa yaadannoo WBO Torontoo Kanaadaa  

Love to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

10 years ago

Hundreds of thousands have flooded the streets of Chechen capital of Grozny in a rally against the publication of the…

Aadaa oromo: Buna qala

10 years ago

Bilisummaan keenya KAARDIIN hin dhugoomtu!!

10 years ago

# Filannoo wayyaanee soba marsaa shanii,,, irratti hirmaachuuf ni galla jettanii,,, miidiyaatti bahuun labsii baafattanii,,, nuti karaa nagaa qabsoofna jettanii,,,…

Can the Two Biggest Nations – the Oromo and the Agaw – yet Cooperate Against the System of Domination in Oromia?

10 years ago

[i]Few years ago, a known historian prof Laphiso Delebo disclosed the presence of 23 million Agaw in Oromia (Ethiopia). That…

TPLF, Stop The Killing of Innocent Oromo People.

10 years ago

 By  Mekonenn Elalla Fekadu The united nation international human right convention paragraph 9, 10, and 11 declare no citizen of…

Ayyaana Guyaa WBO biyya Ayelaanditti Kabajamee oole.

10 years ago

Ayyaanni gootota Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO) kan bara 2015 kaleess gafa 17/01/15 magalaa guddittii Ayerlaan Dabliin keessatti haala howwaa fi…