Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

Arbaminch Univery Students were forced to leave Campus

Arbaminch University Students have been forced to leave the campus after depriving them of food and shelter. According to one student’s statement, there had been a serious disagreement with the university’s management who was forcing them to take the Holistic Examination immediately.Students argued that if this should take place, then we should have been told earlier so that we have plenty of time to be prepared. And that it is totally unfair and cruel to force them to take it at the 11th hour (at the year of their graduation). After calling this students who according to the management should take the examination, the board decided to stop both the cafeteria and dormitory services. And as of now they have been forced to leave the campus by the use of police force. All of them with no exception to girls and the ill are all scattered in the city churches, hotels,…. And some are already heading back to their homes.

Yuunivarsiitii Arbaminc keessatti barattootni waggaa 4ffaa fi 5ffaa shira wayyaanee dura dhaabbachuun diddaa gaggeessan. Wayyaaneenis poolisoota federaalaa itti bobbaaste


Onkololeessa 05,2013 Arba Minc

Garboomfataan mootummaa Wayyaanee Impaayera biyyattii keessatti dhiibbaa daangaa hin qabnee fi sarbama mirga dhala namaaf dorgomaa kan hin qabne irratti barattootni Yuunivarsiitii Arbaminc diddaa gaggeessan. Mootummaan abbaa irree wayyaanee yeroo mara oduuwwan dharaa foddaa ETVdhaan kan beekamu qulqullina barnootaa jechuun kan lallabaa bahe maaliif fashala jechuun barattootni Yuunivarsiitii Arbaminc waggaa 4ffaa fi 5ffaa hiriira nagaa taasisanii jiran. Barattootni kunneen yeroo nuu kenname keessattii fi akka sagantaa barnootaatti barannee xumurra malee malaammaltummaan baajata hojii fixxaniif nuyi guyyaa lama barannee hin qoramnu jechuun diddaa dhageessisanii jiran. Mootummaan wayyaanee kutannaa fi gaaffii mirgaa kanaan kan dhiphate magaala Bishooftuu keessaa poolisoota federaalaa itti seensisuun doorsisa jabaa irratti gaggeessaa jira. Poolisootni federaalaa magaala Hawaasaa kanaas diddaa kana dhaamsuuf hedduumminaan Yuunivarsiitii Arbaminc seenanii jiran. Humni kamuu dhufu gaaffii mirgaa irraa hin dhaabbannu jechuun qeerroon yuunivarsiitii Arbaminc addeessee jira.


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