Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

Dr Merara, the chairman of OFC made a call:


“Our people have been paying a heavy price in their struggle for freedom and equality. Undoubtedly, one day such sacrifice of our people will bear fruit when it is backed by the resources needed to achieve our goal. While Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) promises to pay necessary sacrifices for the struggle, it requests from you to pay your share for the cause of our people.

OFC strongly believes, it is not idle lamentation, but the commitment to invest both blood and money that can liberate our people from the yoke of domination and repression. To this end, OFC says to all: let us promise our people freedom and equality by paying our fair share for the cause”.

Support Oromo Federalist Congress via @gofundme

Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) is an Oromo political party legally registered and  struggling for freedom and democracy in Ethiopia.  Due to…

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