Injifannoo dhiigaafii lafee jaallan wareegamaniitiin lafaafii mirga hagoo irratti argame, wareegamaan tiyfachuun abdiifii dambooba hegeree walabummaa Oromiyaati!!! xumura bara 2014…
Based on your request to write a memo following a crisis at EC below are my notes. Since what prompted…
By Bakalcho Barii It has been over one and a quarter of a century ago when the proud and…
Gaafiif deebisaa RSO hoggantoota OMN waliin taasise....
"Hamzaan OMN kiif yoo ka gufuu tahu tahe if duraa fuudha malee, olola biraa irratti hin oofinaa"! Gaafiif deebisaa RSN…
By Dr. Salamoon Ungashe Dr. Birhanu Dirbaba is supposedly the editor in chief for OMN. But in reality Jawar has…
Gaafiif deebisaa RHO haala yeroo ammaa OMN keessatti dhalate laalchisee Dr. Salamoon Ungashee waliin taasise
The Ethiopian Government EPRDF/TPLF have been oppressed Oromo people for about 23 years. Since it came to power the thousands…
OMN kana booda garam deema? kufaati amma keessa bu'e kanarra ni fayyaa? Ummanni Oromoo kana booda sabaahimaa kanaaf amantii akkami…