
The Impact of Slogan Change on the Oromo People’s Struggle for Independence

Deebitee Kootee Bilisoo October 25, 2023     Note that a political slogan stands for a cause. When a cause changes, the…

9 months ago

The Oromo Struggle: Unfinished Mission and Unintended Consequences

September 26, 2023 Deebitee Kootee Billisoo During the Abyssinian War of the conquest of Oromia, the Oromo patriots fought with…

10 months ago

The Lost Oromos of 2022 Humans of Oromia Annual Report

From a five-year-old girl tortured for her father's alleged ties to the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), a young journalist detained…

2 years ago

Magaalaa Finfinnee keeysatti Alaabaan oromiyaa akka hin fannifamne dhoorkame.

Tibba manneen barnoota magaalaa Finfinnee keessa jiran keessatti sababa alaabaatiin hokkorri kaafamuun ni yaadatama. Kanuma hordofuudhaan dhiheenya mana barnootaa kan…

2 years ago

Seenaa gammachuu qamalittii

Kutaa Lammaffaa Taammanaa Bitimaa irraa Jaalatamoo fi kabajamoo yaa duuka-buutuuwwan barreeffama kanaa, akka kutaalee dabran hundumaa sirriitti dhamdhamattan qalbeeffachuun, kunoo…

2 years ago

Gruesome Attacks on Civilians and Protestors in Oromia

Violence has been escalating in Central and Western Oromia, with a series of gruesome attacks taking place over the past weeks. Drone attacks…

2 years ago

Protests erupt across Oromia after latest violence in East Wollega, OLF calls on Oromos to “defend” themselves

Addis Abeba – Protests erupted in many towns and cities, including schools and university compounds, in different places across Oromia…

2 years ago

Xiinxal siyaasaa haala yeroo wajjiin deemuu fii madaala kaasu

Shabboo Miidiya: Seenaa amaarsaa fii gara jabeenya isaanii. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjL1acJzXgc

2 years ago

Finciluun furmaata!

Gocha suukkanneessaa sirni nafxnyaa Oromoo irratti gidduu kana raawwachaa jiran balaaleffachuun Barattoonni Oromoo godina addaa addaa sagalee saba isaaniif ta'uun…

2 years ago

Open Letter to US, AU & EU Special Envoys on the situation in Oromia

His Excellency, Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and AU High Representative for the Horn of…

2 years ago