Falls Church, Virginia (7/20/2023) — On July 20, 2023, representatives from OLLAA and U.S.- Oromo communities met with Ambassador Mike Hammer, U.S.…
The U.S. Special Envoy met with the Oromo communities of Los Angeles and Southern California alongside OLLAA on May 10th.…
This past week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Ethiopia. During his visit, he met with multiple officials and members…
US Secretary of State John F. Kerry Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington DC 20520 December 16, 2015…
Qabsoon ummanni keenya roorroo diina jalaa bilisa ta’ee ulfinnaafi kabajaan jiraatuufi geeggeffamaa ture milkiin isaa bakka gayuu dhabullee injiffannooleen goonffatame…
International Oromo groups will be staging a protest in front of the White House and the US State Department on…
Hegeree Oromiyaatiin Caamsaa 12/2015 Gaazexeysaan Lammii Amerkaa Siimor Heresh ja'amu akka ibsetti Ajechaa Usaamaa Bin Laadin irratti jechaa Motummaan Amerkaa…
Voice of America The global implications for conflicts in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East:http://www.voanews.com/…/defense-swallows-near…/2625649.html