Dr. Tadelech Atomssa Keyeta is the first Ethiopian woman to earn her PhD in Physics in Ethiopia.

9 years ago

Discover Oromia in Africa Her fields of specialization are Quantum Optics for her MSc and Laser Spectroscopy for her PhD.…

Patients flee Moyale hospital as foreigners fight at Kenya-Ethiopia border

9 years ago

KENYA: Moyale District hospital was deserted Sunday after majority of patients fled from the institution following Saturday fighting between Ethiopia…

VOA. Lola ABO fi Waraana Itiyoopiyaa

9 years ago

Jaallannee Gammadaa WASHINGTON DC—Dilbata darbe Naannoo daangaa Itiyoopiyaa fi Keeniyaa irratti waraana mootummaa Itiyoopiyaa fi adda bilisummaa Oromoo gidduutti wal…

Kenya breaks an agreement with Ethiopia

9 years ago

Kenya cancels a plan to buy electricity from Ethiopia. Source: African Intelligence Undermined by the incursion of the Ethiopian army…

Ethiopian forces reportedly troop into the country and head to a police station in Marsabit

9 years ago

https://youtu.be/M0YTr8J5VBs Kenya’s border security has once again come into sharp focus after Ethiopian forces casually trooped into the country and…

Oromo: White House Protest against Ethiopian Government

9 years ago

International Oromo groups will be staging a protest in front of the White House and the US State Department on…

Ethiopia ARMY RAID Kenya 3rd time in two weeks, KILLS a Local in Moyale and nothing is done!

9 years ago

(kenya-today.com) Ethiopia soldiers raid a Hospital, Church and School in Moyale-Kenya killing one Kenyan national 55yr old Boru Huka a…

Diinnii Maal Balleesse?!

9 years ago

Badii maalii qaba diinni? Nutu karra saaqeef, balabala banee olgalche. As taa'i jennee teessoorraa kaaneef. Cooma murree afanitti gurshine. Itittuu…


9 years ago

Dereje Tadessetiin Dubbii kana kan kakaase, amantaalee waldorgomsiisuuf ykn amantaa kamiyyuu ceepha’uuf miti. Haala ka’iinsa fi galii uumamaa, sammuu fi…