Nuti Oromooni magalaa gudditii Suweden Stockholm fii nannoo isii jiran walitti dhufuun, qooda nurraa eegamu bahuuf murteeyfanne

11 years ago

Nuti Oromooni magalaa gudditii Suweden Stockholm fii nannoo isii jiran walitti dhufuun, qooda nurraa eegamu bahuuf murteeyfanne Du'aan adunyaa irraa…

Dhaamsa Sooressa Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa

11 years ago

Abdii Boruutiin     Dhaadannoon “Qabsaa’an ni kufa, qabsoon itti fufa” jedhamu kun, waanuma barameef akkanatti dubbatama moo qabiyyee fi…

Du’aan Boqochuu Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa ilaalchisee ibsa Koree H/Qindeessituu ABO Kutaa Australia

11 years ago

Miseensotaa fi deggertoota ABO biyya Austraaliyaa keessa jiraannuuf du’aan boqochuun hayyuuu keenya J/Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa gadda guddaa ta’uu ibsachaa Hogganoota…

From ENLF up to FIDO: An Assesment of Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa’s Life Journey (Part On

11 years ago

  By Libah Leencoo His given name is Abdulkariem Ibrahim Hamid. But he is well known by his nom-de -guerre…

A legend of heroes is never dying

11 years ago

The Oromo community members in Victoria Australia are deeply saddened by the sudden death of the great Oromo national hero…


11 years ago

Sirna hoowwaan bakka namni kuma 30000 ol qaamaan irratti argame guyyaa ar'aa bitooteessa 20130308 WATARitti raawwatamee jira. Kanneen miliyoona heddutti…

Jaaraa Family Press Release

11 years ago

March 5, 2013 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa (Abdulkarim…

Jarraa Abba Gadaa’s Legacy Lives On !

11 years ago

The United Liberation Forces of Oromiyaa, ULFO is deeply saddened and shocked to know that ourlong time leader is no longer with us.  ULFO is deeply sadden and shocked over the loss of JaarraaAbbaa Gadaa, the great leader and Comrade who envisioned, laid the foundation and enabled theunification of GABUO, UOPLF and FIDO into one entity, ULFO.  ULFO and the Oromo nation lost itsmost precious charismatic, dedicated and visionary leader. While ULFO grieves the loss of this greatson of Oromiya, we extend our most heartfelt sympathy to…

“Qarshiin jahannam haa dhaqxu qawwee bitadhaa daggala seenaa”!!

11 years ago

Ibsaa fi marii yeroo dheeraa J/Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa guyyaa kaleessaa waltajjii "palatalk mana marii murtii guutoo fi saraaraa OCM keessaatti…

Jara Abba Gadaa, Oromo freedom icon, dies at 77

11 years ago

(OPride) — Sheikh Abdulkarim Ibrahim Hamid, better known with his nom de guerre as Jara Abba Gadaa, a relentless Oromo freedom fighter…