Categories: Oduu Addunyaa


The Ethiopian national Electoral Board Chairman Prof. Merga Bekan announced today that the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a collation of four ethnic based parties in power since the last 24 years, and its regional allies have secured a 100% historic win in the 5th general election held on May 24, 2015.

Accordingly, EPRDF have won 500 of the 547 seats in the national parliament while its allies won 46 seats. The unaccounted one seat is from the Bonga constituency where independent parliamentarian Dr. Ashebir has contested. The Board said it will announce the result in due course.

EPRDF’s regional allies have won the following numbers of seats within the national parliament: The Somali People’s Democratic Party (SPDP) 24, the Benshangul Gumuz People’s Democratic Party (BPDP) nine, The Afar National Democratic Party (ANDP) eight, The Gambela Peoples’ Unity Democratic Movement (GPUDM) three, the Harari National League (HNL) and the Argoba People democratic Organization (APDO) one seat each.

This is the first time the ruling EPRDF claims a 100% win since the first national election in 1995 following the adoption of the current constitution.


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