Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

‪#‎OromoProtests‬ cruelty of TPLF against Haromaya University students in the last 24 hour.

After taking them out of their dormitories last night, the soldiers made them sit in a field in the dark until desk. In the morning they kept them there without breakfast. As the sun heated up, the denied them water. The also denied them lunch. In the afternoon heavy rain fell. The soldiers brought in the school bus and sheltered themselves. But forced the students to remain seated by keeping the barren of their guns on them When students requested food/ water a Tigrean commander loudly told them ” we fought in empty stomach in barren desert facing hunger, thirst, rain and heat. You want to fight us, be men like us taste the challenge”. They were let go back to their dormitories late in the evening. ( The 1st picture shows students soaked rain and the second show students nursing each other’s wound as they were denied medical assistance)

Hammeenya Wayyaaneen barattoota Haromaayaa Yunivarsitii irratti kaleessa sa’aalee 24 dabran raaw’atte. Halkan kalee erga doormii caccabsanii fuudhanii booda dirree tumanii durree keessa teessisan. Dukkana keessaa akka hin sochoone qawwee matatti qabanii achuma bulchan. Ganama kan ciree dhoowatanii hagabuu oolchan. Adaduma aduun hoo’ituun yoo bishaan gaafatan ni dhoorgan. Yeroo laaqanaa laaqan dhoowwatan. osoo akkasitti gubataa jiranii roobni/ dirsaan hamaan roobuu eegale. Loltoonni ofii otobusii mana barnootaa keessa taa’anii joolleen akka hin kaane dhoorgan ( suuraa laalaa). Yeroo joolleen nyaataa bishaan gaafattu, ajajaan waraanaa Tigree ta’e tokko itti dhufuun ” nuti baddaa gammmoojji keessatti garaa qullaa, dheebuufi beelaan waxalaa qabsoofne. Nuun falmuu yoo barbaaddan akka keenya dhiira ta’aa” jedhee itti qoose. Haala kanaan oolanii glagla kana dormitti naqamanii eeggamaa jiran.


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