#OromoProtests in the mean time whispers from OPDO reveal that TPLF is testing what will come of a purge. Dhaba Dabale a founding member and head of OPDO office is being replaced by Bakar Shalle, minister of revenue. Solomon Kuchu, head of security affairs for Oromia replaced by Bazu Waqbeka ( you might have seen him talking none sense with Gecho Reda this past weekend). More names are thrown around. Will share once confirmed.
Wayyaaneen Dhaabaa Dabaleetif hin ta’in namuufuu hin taatu. Warri ammas qabeenya Oromoo diinaaf laachaa hambaa eggattan har’umallee taatu osoo dammaqxanii dansaa
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December 10, 2023 Leenjiso Horo This article addresses the issue of the Oromo failure to…