Categories: Yaada

lola tokko injifannoon gahuuf meeshaan waraanaa barbaachisaa fi fardii ha ta’u malee, waan hunda caalaa murteessaa miti..

Yaa Oromo: Your Victory is certain!

(By Argan Beekan @

Yaa lammii kiyya Oromoo,

You are engaged in a war of liberation.

Military power and popular support are key ingredients, and indicators, of success in wars of liberation. Diplomatic support follows the two.

In this contest of will with TPLF, popular support is on your side. No doubt you are militarily less powerful today than TPLF. Your diplomatic support has been increasing over the last one year but you lack confidence that you can ever defeat an enemy with such a strong support from a super-power such as the USA.

In this regard, remember three points.

First, that “weapons are an important factor in war, but not the decisive factor; it is people, not things that are decisive. The contest of strength is not only a contest of military and economic power, but also a contest of human power and morale.” (Mao Zedong) Just look around you! With a little more planning and given time, the high popular support and high morale you are enjoying, there is no force you cannot defeat.

Secondly, history is replete with examples of where material power has been indecisive and that the underdog is favored because he makes greater efforts to outlast the danger of annihilation. To outlast the danger of annihilation, the situation on the ground in Oromia indicates that a group of Oromo activists shall soon start spontaneous attacks on colonial forces (military posts, police stations, colonial government offices, colonial officers and their supporters, etc …) in their local areas. This will encourage similar small scale attacks by locally constituted groups across Oromia. The colonial forces would respond with a series of large- scale offensives in an effort to strangle these local offensives against it. Through these offensives Oromo activist forces would turn into guerrilla operatives, similar to those seen in many other liberation struggles in many parts of the world. In the final phase, having learned from their experience and in an effort to survive and thrive, leaders of the isolated attacks would come together and transform the isolated small scale attacks across Oromia into a well-organized and ably lead guerilla war and, eventually, conventional war. In this way, Oromo activists on the ground in Oromia would evolve into warriors of liberation strong enough to decimate the colonial forces, bringing Oromo war of liberation to a successful conclusion and regain Oromo sovereignty.

 Thirdly, keep in mind that America’s support for the TPLF government does not mean that they could defeat Oromo insurgency. Even when they were directly involved, Americans failed to accomplish their military missions in Somalia in 1993 and in Vietnam in the 60s. Remember the terrorist events of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq each proved extremely difficult and costly for America to win decisively.

This much should be clear to every open minded and serious observer of the Oromo struggle for liberation.  In the end, there is no doubt, Oromia shall be sovereign and its people shall be free. It is only a question of time.

Yaa lammii kiyya Oromoo,

Kan itti jirtu qabsoo bilisummaa it.

Qabsoo bilisummaa keessatti qabxiileen furtuun lama – kanneen injifannoof barbaachisan fi injifannootti quba qaban – deggersa ummataa fi humnna waraanaa ti. Deggersi diiplomaasii isaan kana lamaanitti aanee argama.

Qabsoo amma Wayyaanee wajjin itti jirtu kana keessaatti jaalala, kabaja fi deggersa ummataa horattee jirta. Humna waraanaan garuu, har’aaf, akka Wayyanee hin gitne beekkamaa dha. Deggersi  diiplomaasiikee, wagga dabre kana keessa, guddachaa fi jabaachaa ha dhufu malee, diina deggersa Ameerikaa qabu akkasi injifachuu danda’uu kee ni shakkita.

Dhimma kana irratt, qabxiilee sadan armaan gadii kana yaadadhu.

Inni duraa, “lola tokko injifannoon gahuuf meeshaan waraanaa barbaachisaa fi fardii ha ta’u malee, waan hunda caalaa murteessaa miti. Waan hunda caalaa murteessaan human namaa ykn ummata; meeshaa miti. Dorgommiin jabinaan wal-caaluuf godhamu karaa waraanaa fi karaa ‘ecomomy’ qofaa miti; dorgommii human namaa fi hamilee ummataan wal-caalus ni dabalata” (Mao Zedong) Mee haala keessa jirtan laalaa, Deggersa ummataa fi hamilee amma qabddan irratti caalaatti karrorffattanii yoo itti bobbaatan humni isin injifachuu hin dandeenye gonkumaa hin jiru.


Lammaffaa, seenaan qabsoota addaddaa kan raga bahu qabeenyi meeshaa hunda caalaa murteessaa akka hin taane fi qabsaa’oti hamma diina irratti qabsaa’anii meeshaa hin qabne, balaa duguuggaa dinni irraan gahuuf sosso’u jalaa dandamachuuf jecha diina caalaa hojjechuun, akka injifachuu danda’an fi injifachaas turan dha.

Haalli yeroo ammaatti Oromiyaa keessa jiru kan garsiisu, balaa duguggaa diinni irratti aggaammatee jiru jalaa ummatasaanii dandamachiisuuf jechaa, qabsaa’oti Oromoo, yeroo dhihootti, ganda-gandasaaniitti, humnna koloneeffataa irratti tarkaanfii addaddaa (buufata waraanaa, waajira poolisii fi qondaalota mootummaa koloneeffataa irratti) fudhachuu jalqabu. Yeroo gabaabaa keessatti sochii wal-fakkaataan Oromiyaa mara keessatti bal’inaan geggeeffama. Deebiin mootummaa koloneeffataa, sochii kana balleessuuf jecha, duula waraanaa guddaa itti bobbaasa. Kun ammoo, akkuma seenaan qabsoo bilisummaa addaddaa raga bahan, humni Oromoo human riphee-lolaa tti akka jijjiiramu dirqa. Dhuma irratti, balaa irratti aggaammatame irraa dandamachuuf, muuxxannoo qabsoo irratti horatantti fayyadamuun, hoogganttoonni murnoota Oromoo gandoota addaddaa keessatti tarkaanfii fudhachaa jiranii walitti dhufuun lola riphee-lolaatti, isa boodas humnna “conventional”tti, kan jaarmaa jabaa fi hoogganoota dandeettii fi kutannoo qabaniin geggeeffamutti, jijjiiru. Akkasiin, qabsaa’onni Oromoo, kaneen Oromiyaa keessa sosso’an, waraana bilisummaa Oromoo jabaa ta’uun, human koloneeffataa barbaadeessuun, QBO injifannoon xumuranii walabummaa Oromiyaa fi bilisummaa saba Oromoo mirkaneessu.

Sadaffaa, mootummaan Ameerikaa Wayyaanee gargaara jechuu, Oromoon fincilee Wayyaanee injifachuu hin danda’u jechuu miti! Kana gonkumaa hin irraanfatinaa! Mootummaan Ameerikaa mataan isaa Somalia fi Vietnam keessatti akeeka isaa bakkaan gahuu dadhabee, dhiibamee, dhiisee bahe. Tarkaanfii Fulbana 11, 2001 golii-buuftotaan irratti fudhatameef deebii keennuuf waraana Iraq fi Afghanistan tti bobbaasellee haala murteessaan injifatee jira jechuun hin danda’amu.   

Kan dhugumaan, sammuu banaan QBO fi haala isaa xiinxalee ilaaleef hammi kun ifaa ta’uu qaba. Dhuma irratti, Oromiyaan ni walabooma. Ummatinsaas ni bilisooma. Kun waan yeroo eeggatu malee kan shakkii jala jiru miti!



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