Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

Argaa dhageetii malee akkanumatti waan namii odeessu akka dhugaati fudhachuun walaala nutti akka hin taane

Ibrahim Amae Elemo

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

It came to my attention today that as we are working very hard to empower our people, find a solution to the conflicts that consumed the lives of our people and displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children in Southern and Eastern Oromiya, our enemies are hell bent on spreading rumors to divide our people further.

I have to warn our unsuspecting elites, old and young, to be vigilant and focused on maintaining the unity of our people. It means that we have to question the veracity of the information you get from sources that you don’t trust too much. Argaa dhageetii malee akkanumatti waan namii odeessu akka dhugaati fudhachuun walaala nutti akka hin taane.

Beekumsa abbootii keennatti akka nu fayyaadamaa hin jirre beekaa. Ebeluun sun yoo innii akkana jedhu dhageettee, abbaa atin irraa dhageette sun waliin gaafannoo…etc. We have to learn from the wisdom of our fathers and forefathers. Don’t make assumptions specially if the source of your information are people who don’t even dare to use their real name in the social media. This is my message to the thousands of my FB friends back home, many of whom I have never met, or talked to in years. Stay tuned and keep your faith.
Kaayo Qabna.


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