Categories: Oduu OromiyaaSeenaa

Dear all: This is a good addition to our history archive.

Just to let you know that we will invite some of heroes of the Dhoombir period to our OSA mid year conference for a round table (panel discussion). We the Oromo elites have a lot learn from their lived experience of the dark days and the legacy of their heroic struggle. I personally love to hear personal stories from heroes like Xulaa Dubee than read books. They inspire me a lot and give me a sense of purpose. The OSA mid year conference will be a good opportunity for the Oromo of mid-west to come and learn Oromo history. All who read this post are invited, March 29-30 to Chicago. Please, Share this information. Much credit goes to Oromo young people who are exploring online archives and sharing such important pieces of data. Thank you.
Lola Baalee Mootii Haylasilaasee fi Gootota Oromoo Baalee Jiddutti Jarsuumaa Godhaame irratti Gaafa san Jarsonni “Nuti Oromo dha Malee Ethiopian Nu hin Bulchitu” jechuun Murtii Isaanii Laatan Bara 1950 Magaalaa Baalee Goobbaa Keessatti. Isaan Amma Suuraa Isaanii Argitan Kun Adam Jiloo, Haaji Aadam Saaddoo, Sheek Ahmed Mohammed, Hasan Galataa, Huseen Bunee, Sheek Ahmed jarso fi Shanbal Axnaafu Asfaaw K.K.F Suuraa Amma Argitan Kana Keessatti Argaman.!!! Gootota Ethiopiphiyummaa Hin Fudhannu Jedhanii Habashaan Falmatan.!!!! Seenaan Isaan Yaadata.!!!

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