Dr. Merera Gudina, chairman of the largest Oromo opposition group, Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), started his meeting with Oromo diaspora last weeked July 9th and 10th with his meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota aka Little Oromia and Worthington respectively. His tour is sucessful so far. We thank the little Oromia Oromos and non Oromo Ethiopians for attendance and support.
They say a hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. OFC leaders qualify that. That is why we call them hero. We should not forget brilliant and hero people like Professor Bekele Garba with thousands of fellow Oromo students, and farmers preferred kaaliitti, ma’aakkalaawii and hurssoo prisons to oppression. They preferred tortur to Luxury lifestyle.
Dr. Merera’s next stop is Dallas and Denver. I want to call upon all Oromos who live in Denver and Colorado area to welcome and attend OFC ISG metings on July 16 and 17, 2016 in Dallas, TX and Denver, CO respectively.
Wolgayiileen Dr. Mararaa kan Kaaba Ameerikaa Itti fufee jira
Dr. Mararaa Guddinaa, Dura taa’aan kongiressii Federaalistii Oromoo (KFO), wolgayilee/marii hawaasa kaaba Ameerikaa woliin gaggeessaa jira. Torbaan darbe Minneapolis, MN (Oromiyaa Xiqqoo) fi worzingten keessatti mariin gaggeeffame milkii guddaadhaan raawwatameera.
Kanatti aansuudhaan torbaan dhufu ammoo July 16 fi 17 magaalota Dallas fi Denver tti marii fi wolgayiileen gurguddaan gaggeeffamuuf deemu. Kanaafuu hawaasni keenna martuu akka itti hirmaattanii deeggarsa keessan agarsiiftan waamicha isiniif taasifna.
Meeting Schedule:
July 16 Dallas, TX
July 17 Denver, CO
July 20 Lasvegas
July 23 Houston, TX
July 24 Seattle , WA
July 27 Portland
August 13 Atlanta
August 14 Philadelphia
August 20 Boston
August 21 Rochester, Newyork
August 27 Bay Area, California
August 28, DMV (Washington DC)
We will have more meeting schedules and we shall disclose it as soon as it become ready.
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