Dr. Trevor Trueman, a human right advocate and a well known activist for his devoteing long years on writing articles and lobbying human rights concerns and abuses in Ethiopia against the Oromo people has visited the Oromo Community in cairo (OCRA-Egypt) on Saturday 25 May 2013. He has discussed with members of our community about the problems the Oromo people are facing in Ethiopia, the problems oromo refugees and asylum seekers are facing on their way to Egypt and about the challenging life situation the Oromo refugees are facing in the host country-Egypt.
It was a very good opportunity for members of the Oromo Community Refugee Association (OCRA-Egypt) to expalin to Dr. Trueman about the problems all Oromo refugees and asylum seekers are facing in Egypt by sharing with him their grievances regarding their security concers and life challenges happening to Unaccompanied Children, Single mothers, Large families, Single Men and Women and all sorts of problems refugees are facing in this country includinjg the human trafficking and abuses happening against Oromos and other nationalities in Sinai are discussed with Dr. Trevor Trueman.
Availing this opportunity, leaders of the Oromo Community in Cairo would like to thank Dr. Trevor Truman for his visit to our community center to hear about the problems the Oromo people are facing in Ethiopia, to observe the hardships Oromo refugees and asylum seekers are facing on their way to Egypt and to witness the challenges they are encountering in Cairo- Egypt.
Waldaya Baqattoota Oromoo Biyya Masrii
25 May 2013
Madda; http://osra-egypt.webs.com
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