Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

Emir of Riyadh and other high officials visited the shelter dedicated for Ethiopian

Stop by His Royal Highness Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Riyadh and his Deputy of His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Governor of Riyadh region on the work of the relevant security departments at the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Finance in charge of ending the deportation of labor Ethiopian contrary to the system of residence and work status of shelter dedicated them at the University of Prince Nora east of Riyadh. And toured the Emir of Riyadh and HH Deputy inside the shelter, home to nearly eighteen thousand abuse and violation of sexual Ethiopian who took the initiative to surrender voluntarily to the security of a request for deportation during the last two days of the offenders in the neighborhood Manfouha center of the capital Riyadh after the riots carried out by a number of them .

And was accompanied by His Highness during the tour, Ambassador of Ethiopia in Riyadh, deputy director of public security and police chief of Riyadh region, and his deputy, General Manager of passports and a number of leaders, othersecurity, where briefed the Emir of Riyadh region, and his Deputy on the services provided at the center of shelter which is devoted recently to host the violators and violations of labor Ethiopian. And toured Prince at the health center and briefed on the mechanism of action in it, also briefed the Emir of Riyadh and his Deputy on the mechanism of the distribution of foods to Mstdhavin and His Highness the Emir of Riyadh and his Deputy roam the site the Directorate General of Passports and Criminal Evidence and offices allocated to employees embassy Ethiopian and heard Governor of Riyadh and his Deputy for the latest results reached by its workers there to check HOSTED His Highness also urged all employees in those locationswithin the center of the shelter to make more effort to provide comfort for all Almtstdhavin and Almstdavat to facilitate travel and preserving the safety even Agadora to their country safely, God willing. Khalid Bin Bandar: I met the Ethiopian ambassador and made a full commitment to cooperate with us and provided 30 employees At the end of the tour HRH Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Riyadh region, in an interview, “I’m happy in this day and HH brother Prince Turki bin Abdullah that نتواجد and we enjoy to meet with our colleagues from the employees of the Ministry of Interior of all security sectors, both public securityor immigration or security installations and representatives of the Ministry of Finance represented by Deputy Finance Minister Mohammad more and all those involved in this matter and Maroenah arrangements in buildings formerly used Kmbane University and thankfully gives all of us as citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that our government is sparing no effort to provide a means of comfort for each resident on the land of this country, what we’ve seen this Today arrange to huge numbers applied for deportation and ending procedures including and faced pressure to these numbers but thank God things facilitated generally good and procedures, God willing, will be completed and all requirements for this shelter will be completed during the next two days now, the procedures do not say he stopped where work but to work the rest of the vehicle’s for passports, as well as coordinating with the Ethiopian embassy and we hope that there will be greater cooperation them to provide a sufficient number of employees to quit and travel documents for their citizens to be deported to their country oversees and easily, God willing. ” And the Prince had been coordinating with the Ethiopian Embassy to rush in facilitating such acts He added met with Ambassador of Ethiopia two days ago and made a full commitment to the Ethiopian embassy will cooperate and actually after my interview with him provided us with approximately 30 employees and provided them with all the means to do the work during the twenty-four hour periods cross our desire them as well as doubling the effort to complete the procedures in the coming days.

The Emir of Riyadh that all sectors of the Ministry of Interior is working very hard and diligently and to the best of force to end the proceedings but not in the Riyadh region only, but in all regions of the Kingdom the situation is not confined to the Riyadh area or in the city of Riyadh, but in all regions of the Kingdom will not hesitate to all sectors of the Ministry of the Interior termination procedures as soon as possible. The campaign will continue no matter how long that situation is settled lawfully And about the actions that will be worked out in the future to prevent hackers city of Riyadh confirmed his “that all security sectors of the police and emergency power and all the security elements are its work to the fullest, and for the security measures continue and will not be, God willing, there are obstacles, and there are some events as you saw it happened These occur on the density which Astqublnaha tens of thousands incidents happening in the area but is incidental, God willing, and will continue to security and security density andsecurity presence continue, God willing, ” And the application of sanctions against violators, His Highness said those issued by the Interior Ministry and will be applied strictly and assure you of this site that this campaign will continue and will continue no matter how long, even if every resident on the land of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia be disciplined resident. And about the action taken against the people involved in the riots Highness said that the Bureau of Investigation and Prosecution proceedings will take, God willing, where He highlighted that their numbers do not exceed scores. In a question whether there was a timetable to correct the situation violators system of residence and work, whether Ethiopian or others.

His Highness said that every resident on the land of Saudi Arabia the establishment of non-formal will be applied by the systems that were announced by the Interior Ministry Valhmlh this will continue, God willing, as I mentioned so that each resident on the land of Saudi Arabia be a resident of the establishment of a regular and this key requirement, not Saudi Saudi Arabia alone in the world to apply these measures, but all the countries of the world to ensure the internal security affairs be adjusted so that each resident be a regular resident. He assured the Prince at the end of modern yesterday to the media citizens and residents in the Kingdom that securityand thankfully there is no reason to fear, and he say to everyone, God willing, rest assured every resident in Manfouha or in other particular irregular we will work procedures and deported to his country, but the security men Confidence in God and then them to achieve security in our country and not only in Manfouha.


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