Now the prime minister of Ethiopia, Hailemariam Desalegn has responded to these protests saying that the government has proof which shows some of the opposition leaders leading these anti government demonstrations are linked to armed terrorism groups operating inside the country.
In June 2011, the Ethiopian government labeled three political parties as terrorist groups, under the country’s anti-terrorism proclamation. The parties are Ginbot 7, the Ogaden National Liberation Front, and Oromo Liberation Front .The Ethiopian premier claims that some leaders of these parties have even attempted attacks on the African Union.
Ethiopia has 99 opposition political parties. Prime Minister Desalegn says his government respects the voice of these parties but says he wills not jeopardize the security of his country just when those demanding for democracy have been proved to be a threat.
Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn says that there is nothing wrong with the anti terrorism law the country adopted in 2009, since it was drafted according to internationally-accepted standards. As such, he says the opposition praying for its (or his, I mean the PM) withdrawal is just having wishful thinking.
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