Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

European Parliament resolution on the situation in Ethiopia (2016/2520(RSP)) European Parliament. Complaints about a Misguiding Statement on Amhara

To: European Parliament resolution on the situation in Ethiopia (2016/2520(RSP))
European Parliament
Subject: Complaints about a Misguiding Statement on Amhara

We are presenting this petition in order to express our deep concern with the misguiding statement of the European parliament report on the people of Amhara in its recent resolution—European Parliament resolution on the situation in Ethiopia (2016/2520(RSP). Although we wholeheartedly appreciate most of the statements the EU has made, we are disappointed with the following section, which we felt is negatively impacting the image of the Amhara people, the second largest ethnic group in Ethiopia: “E. whereas Ethiopia is a highly diverse country in terms of religious beliefs and cultures; whereas some of the largest ethnic communities, particularly the Oromo and the Somali (Ogaden), have been marginalized in favor of the Amhara and the Tigray, with little participation in political representation.” The Amhara are victims of an all-embracing discriminatory policies of the ruling Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) government. While the Amhara are one of the most disadvantaged groups in the country, it is very disappointing to see the EU mentioning them as part of the exploiters of the Oromo as indicated in this statement: “particularly the Oromo and the Somali (Ogaden), have been marginalized in favor of the Amhara.” This statement is totally false as it is well known that the Amhara have been targets of genocidal acts across different parts of the country at different times. The TPLF, from its onset to struggle in the forests of Tigray, documented that the Amhara are entities to be eliminated from the face of the earth as they are “historic enemy of Tigray.” That manifesto has been in full practice ever since, and it is very active as we write this complaint. The fact on the ground shows that TPLF has been very busy organizing all ethnic groups in Ethiopia against the people of Amhara for the past 40 years. Such campaign has now come to fruition and the Amhara people are at risk of being eliminated from their own country. It is unacceptable to label the Amhara people as part of the problems to the people of Somali and Oromo. There is no reason to take Amhara as part of the TPLF tyrannical rule in which the Amhara themselves are a victim.

Therefore, we kindly demand the EU parliament to make corrections as suggested: “E, whereas Ethiopia is a highly diverse country in terms of religious beliefs and cultures; whereas some of the largest ethnic communities; particularly the Oromo, the Somali (Ogaden), and the Amhara have been marginalized with little participation in political representation.”

With Regards!



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