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Gaffii fi deebii dokter Negasoo Gidaada Barruu Sandaq waliin godhan kuta jalqaaba.

HIIKA AFAAN ENGLIFFA: Henok Oromia Kan Oromotti

“Oromiyaa kessaati hiriira naga yuggu tasiifamu ajjeechan kun ka dura miti.” D.r Negasso

Presidentii Itoopiyaa duraanifi akkasumas hojii rawwachistu DH.D.U.O duraani.
Angoo motuumma fedha isaanin gad lakkiisun sana boodas qoba isaani dhunfaadhan filaannofi dorgoomani bara 1997/8 A.A tti ijiifataniruu
Boodarras gara hoggaana partii Tokkuumma ka demokiraasii fi haqa (UDJ) ta’udhan ergaa tajaajilani booda fedhii isaanitin ji’a 4 dura miseensumma fi hoggaanumma isaani gad lakkiisaniru.
Giddu kana wa’e Master planii harawaa kan Godiina adda nannoo Finfinne fi Finfinne ilaalchise gaffii fi deebii waliin tasiifne jirra.

Sandaq: Planii misooma qinda’e Finfinnee dha fi godiina adda nannaawa Finfinnee ilaalchise Yunversittiwaan tokko tokkootti jequumsi ka’en lubbuun nama darbeera gariin midhaamaniruu qabeenyiis manca’era.kana isiin akkamiin hordooftani?

D.r Negasso : Wantii dhaqqaabe kuni baayye kaniin itti gaddee fi itti rifaadhedha.
Sabaabni isa Baraata niis ta’e lammiiwwan biroos du’a fi midhaan qama irra ga’u qofa miti.
Yeroo kana waanti ta’e waan baayye jibbiisisa fi sukaanessa wan ta’efi .Qabiinsa mirga dhala nama ilaalchise wan jibbiisisaan dhaga’a ture.Garaa jabiinni garmalee kan itti muldhaatedha.
Kanaarras darbee haliichi gara wanta hin barbaadamne jibbiinsa saba biraatti tarkaanfachun isa bakka tokko tokkootti muldhate ture.kesaattu
Ambootti mormii ka’en namootni yeroo midhaaman kun ka lammaatadha.
Kanaan duraatti yeroo Obbo Junaaddin presidentii turaanitti Finfinneetti bara 1995 yks bara 1996 nattii fakkaata Jequumsi ka’e namootni rasaasan rukuutamani du’aniruu.
Yeroo sanaatti gamagaama godhamen maaliif namoota kara naga ba’aniifi deebiin rasaasa ta’e kan jedhu yaadni ka’e ture.
Yeroos deebiin kanaaf kennaame nuti misoomafi horii (qarshii) hin qabnuu. Kanaaf jequumsi yeroo ka’u kan ittiin dafnee dhabnuu furmaatni ka biraan hin jiruu.
Ammas sanuuma irra deebi’an.
Sun waggan10 lakkoobsise jira.Sanaan boda poliisi lenjiisudhan hiriira naga kara naga ta’e akkaata itti to’atan mala dha’un nii danda’ama ture.Ammas rakkoo sana qabbaneessufi rasaasa fayyaadamun Edaa ammaana bodaatti afnee jirra ka jedhu na yavhiise .
Yeroo darbee Dambiidolloti jequumsa ka’en poliisin yeroo jalqaaba fi gasii imiimanessu fayyaadamun jequumsa to’achu danda’era.
Bakka tokkoo tokkotti mallootton qaroomina akka kana muldhachuun gariidha.
Waluuma galaatti jequumsa toachuudha fi baayyee akka nu afee jiruutu natti dhaga’ama.
Kara bira namootni onnaachudhan (emotionalal) ta’un akka gidduu seenaanis hubaadhera ykn tajjaabera.
Waanti tokko gafa umaamu artee gara mormiitti demuun ni jira.
Gaafa mormiin tasiifamu itti yaadudhan karoorfaatani
Dhadaanno mal qabachu qabna?
Giddu kanaatti rakkoon yoo umaame akkaamin to’achu dandeenya? ka jedhu dursaaame itti yaadamu qaba ture. Sabaabni isa rakkoo giddu kanaatti dhalaatun kan iriira irra jiraan namootni midhaamu wan danda’anifi
Hiriirtoota kana gidduudha namnii muraasni qabeenya mancaasu fi namoota irran midha dhaqqaabsisu wan danda’anifi dursaani rakkoole kanniinifi ittii yaadun barbaachisa ture.

Sandaq: Maaltu isiinitti dhaga’ame haloota kana hundaa gafa dhageessan?

D.r Negasso: Baayyeen gadde.!
Dhimmi wa’e master planii gafa dhufu wantooti nama arsaan jiraachu ni maluu .Artee yeroo batu kanaatti rakkoolen kunniin mudaachu danda’u .Yeroo namootni arii akkkasin gutaamani ba’anitti motuumman hala kana akkamiin tasgaabbessun danda’ama? ka jedhu irraatti qophiin jiraachu dhisuu isa argeen jira.

Sandaq: Dhimmaa master planii ilaalchise gama motuummadhan irra deddeebi’e nannoole lammanu kan fayyaadu malee lafa nannoo bira muraani ka biraaf kennu akka hin tanee dha kan himaama ture. kana irraatti Yaadni kessan maali?

D.r Negasso : Bulchiinsi magaala Finfiine misoomus misoomu batuus kan nuti jirruu jarra 21ffaa kesaadha.
Guddiini,misoomnis nii dhufa ammaayyuumanis akkasuma kun wan hin halaamnedha.

Sandaq: Master planiin jiraatus jiraachu batuus jechuudha?

D.r Negasso : Eyyee ! Hin ta’a .
Irra edduuminni nama qonnaan jiraachu qonnaa dhisuun gara magaala dhufa.Qotee bulaa muraasni afuudhan mala ammaayyawwa ta’en qotuudhan baayye omiishuun ni danda’ama! Amma Ameriikan midhaan irra afee kan gargaarsa fi olchiitu qotee bulaa muraasan omiisha irra afa ta’e wan omiishanifidha.
Kun wan in afneedha.Fakkeenya fi amma Adaama ga’utti karaan saffiisa adiida babuura fi oluu utuu hojjeetame gariidha.Hojjeetan asii fi achii gidduu deddeebi’udhan hojjeete galuu danda’a.
Akkasuma asii fi Amboo gidduutti karaana babuura saffiisan utuu hojjeetame daqiiqa muraasatti tajaajila argaachun ni danda’ama.Planiin qinda’a akkasi fayiida malee dhibba hin qabatu.Gara fuula duraatti misooman waliitti hidhaaminsi akkasi jiraachun wan hin afneedha.suuta Gejjiibaniis ta’e bu’urale misooma gara garaan waliitti hidhaaminsi hin afuu .
Fakkeenyafi humnii ibsa nannoo Oromiyaa gara garaatti nii argaamu Qoqa, Galgal Gibe,Melkasa kanaaf kan kana fakkaatan humnaa bishaanirra argaaman gara kuta adda addaatti nii tamsa’u, Ummaatni garuu isa kana irra fayyaadaama miti.
Magaalota murta’e qofadha kana irra kan fayyaadama jiruu .
Gama misooman yoo ta’e wan gariidha.kanaas kan jibbuu wan jiruu natti hin fakkaatu.

Sandaq: Ka’umsii mormii kana maliidha jettu? Motuumman akka jedhuutti hubaaanna dhabudha
ykn humnootin ala gidduu senuudha ka jedhu dha??

D.r Negasso : Humnootin alaa haliichatti fayyaadamu danda’u ta’a.Itoopiyaa kessaatti jaldhannus jibbiinus wantootni furmaata hin argaanne baayyetu jira.
Inniis Gaffii sabuumma dha.
Tokko tokko tokkuumma Itopiyaa jedha.
Ka biraanimmo falla isa dhimma saba tokko lelliisudhan Itopiyaa irra adda ba’u qabnaa humnootni jedhaanis nii jiraatu.Lammannu sabuumma of kessa qabu.
Fakkenya fi Jawar Mohammed namnii jedhamu tokko Televiziiona Aljeezira irraatti dhiyaate yennna gafaatamu anii dursee Oroomodha Itoopiyuumman sanaatti aneeti dhufa jedhe dubbaate ture.Warri sabuumma Itopiyaa dhan dhadaatan immoo akkam Oroomo dha ani jedha jechuun baayye mormani turanii………………………………………..

Kuta 2 ffaa yeroo itti anuutti
Galaatoma share godha !!!


English Translation:

English translation of the Interview with Dr. Negasoo Gidaada on Sandak. Part(1)

“This is not the first time in Oromiyaa seeing death and killings during a peaceful protests”

Short intro: Dr. Negasso Gidaada was a former Ethiopia president and OPDO committee member. He left the government coalition in the year 1997/8(E.C) in Finfinnee(Addis Ababa) and joined Unity for Democracy and Justice party(UDJ). After serving 4 months for the UDJ party Dr. Gidaada left by his own choice.
An in interview about the Finfinne surrounding integration and Finfinne Master Plan.

Sandak: The planned integrated master plan for Finfinnee and its surrounding has caused a huge violence in Universities across Oromia. During these violences there were many death and causalities as well as damaged properties. What is your take (stand) on that?

Dr. Negesso: What had happened (occurred) has left me really shocked and sad. Not only because of the deaths and casualties’ that had occurred on our students but also on other people. It is something really bad and tragic to see such unmerciful incidents happening. On top of that there were a few occasions where there were incidents involving other ethnicities.
This is the second time in Ambo where citizens were shot for raising their concerns and trying to get their voices heard. If we recall, during the time of the former Oromia president Mr. Junedin Saddo there was a similar incident in Finfinnee I think it was 1995 or 1996(E.C). At that time there were concern raised by the people (Oromo) and the answer they received were bullets (death). When asked, “Why when there are any peaceful protests do we get shot at?” The answer given by the government at that time was “we (government) don’t have money for development, therefor anytime there is an uprising this is the only choice” That was 10 years ago and this time the same answer is given. Looking at what happened I feel like we have not moved from where we were. The police should have tried to control the mass without using live ammunition.
During this recent student protests in Dambi-Dollo there were teargas being used to disperse protesters. This is a more preferable method and should be used more often in many different areas.
During protests there are times when people get emotional. When such incidents occur there are some few individuals who get upset and say anything. First thing when a protest is planned, people should come up or know what they are going to say. What should the sayings contain? In between such protests there should be solution on how to solve problems that are built up.

Sandak: How do you feel when you here all this uproar?

Dr. Negasso: I feel very sad!
When in issues relating to the master plan are raised incident that causes anger should not occur. If you go out to protest in anger these type of problems are to occur. I have witnessed government’s failure to calm the people in this type of situations.

Sandak: On the issue of the Finfinne master plan, the government claim that the Finfinne master plan is for the benefit of the people of that area but not to expand the Finfinne boundaries. What is your thoughts on this issue?

Dr. Negasso: What you need to know is we are in the 21st century, development will come even if the government of Finfinne develop the city or not. Development will come regardless. This is based on the current structures (of growth/development).

Sandak: Meaning regardless of the Master Plan being there or not?

Dr.Negasso: Yes! It can be (its possible)
Currently there are majority of famers who are choosing to move to the city. For the few farmers who decide to stay, there could be a way for them to cultivate in a more rewarding manner. The problem relating to farming in United States is the farmers lack the ability to get assistance for marketing (sell) what they have been cultivating. This is something that should be unthinkable. For instance if a railway was built between Finfinne and Adama this would be great. Another example, if a railway was built between Ambo and Finfinne this would be a benefit to the farmers who would go and sell their products in a matter of minutes. This type of development is a benefit to the people, and has no harm at all. Therefor this type of plan of development in the future is inevitable. Be it slow or fast development integration in the future is inevitable. For instance there is lack of electricity in various areas. Koka, Galgal Gibe, Melkassa…etc have waters which are directed to different areas, this has created shortages of water in their areas. Therefore if cities were tied together in terms of development then it is a good thing in my opinion.

Sandak: what do you think caused the protests? The government claim the people lacked enough knowledge to the plan, or there is an outside source who is fueling the protests.

Dr. Negasso: There could be an outside source. In Ethiopia you like it or not there are a lot of problems that up to date has not yet been solved. There are ethnic question raised. Some people want the unity of one nation while others go complete opposite and want to separate. For example an individual known as Jawar Mohammed went on Aljazeera television and was asked if he is Oromo or Ethiopian first. Mr. Jawar answered he was Oromo first and Ethiopia comes second. For some people who claim to be Ethiopian they started blaming him, how dare he said he was Oromo.

Part 2 will be available soon!


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