The death of Jarraa Abbaa Gadaa( Sheik Abdulkarim Ibrahim) is a great loss to the Oromo nation and the Oromo people at large; a great loss to FIDO and its members; and a great loss to his families and colleagues. Although he passed away, the legacies of his full lifetime struggle, the torch he ignited and held up and the cause he advanced remain with us.
I am one of the luckiest Oromos who have had close access to this legendary hero in Asmara for almost three years. Soressa Jarraa Abbaa Gadaa was moving encyclopedia of Oromo society, resourceful, a man with high sense of justice and determination, defiant and resilient, a man of high simplicity and decency and a man with high sense of humor.
At this moment of mourning, I share condolence with his beloved family and colleagues.
Praying to Waaqayyoo to rest his soul in peace and to render strength to his families and colleagues; I appeal to his followers to uphold his legacies.
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