Breaking News
I felt shock when I hear about the sinking of boat in the Mediterranean Sea which carried 400 immigrants from Egypt to Italy. From out of 400 immigrants, it’s not more than 40 people who were rescued, some people said. Among 400 immigrants, more than 200 immigrants were Oromo-from Ethiopia…. It was the heart breaking news. ‘Paradise of the hell’ and the Mediterranean Sea is always eating innocent African immigrants as sacrifices. I hate dictator governments and their alliance of “democratic countries” in the unfair world. I believe that there is the bloody hand of the dictators and its alliance beyond of such events.
Oduu Ammee
Dooniin baqattoota 400 olii Egypt irraa baattee gara Italy imalaa turte galaana Mediteraaniyaanii keessatti lixxee, namoonni 40 hin caalle qofti akka baraaraman odeeffannoon namoota tokko tokko irraa arganne ni hima. Baqattoota 400 keessaa, 200 oli Oromoo akka ta’an himameera… Oduu nama gaddisiistuudha, “jannanni gahaannama yookiin azaabaa” keessaafi galaanni Mediteraaniyaanii baruma baraan lubbuu baqattoota Afrikaa akka woreegaatti nyaataa jira. Mootummaa hattoonniifi garggaartoota isaa, addunyaa dabaa kana keessatti nama jibbisiisan. Dhumaatii kana hunda duuba harka dhiigaa worra kanaatti jira.
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December 10, 2023 Leenjiso Horo This article addresses the issue of the Oromo failure to…