Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

Minneapolis City Council Member Abdi Warsame Concerned over deaths of protesters in Oromia

Minneapolis City Council Member Abdi Warsame Concerned over deaths of protesters in Oromia

Dec. 23, 2015 (MINNEAPOLIS) — Minneapolis City Council Member Abdi Warsame is deeply concerned by the recent clashes, human suffering and deaths of unarmed civilians in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. Since mid-November, students began protesting throughout Oromia Regional State against the Ethiopian Federal government’s plan to substantially expand the Municipal boundaries of Addis Ababa. Protesters fear the plan could displace Oromo farmers and residents living near the city.

“I’m deeply troubled by the deaths of civilians and express my condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives,” said Council Member Warsame.

The twin cities region has a large concentration of American’s of Oromo decent. The community has held a number or rallies to call attention to the dire situation in Oromia.

“I stand with the Oromo Community of Minnesota in calling for the Ethiopian government to cease the use of excessive force against peaceful protesters. The authorities should immediately release students and others arbitrarily arrested during the protests and investigate security officials who are responsible for abuses,” said Council Member Warsame.

The United States is Ethiopia’s largest bilateral donor and an important ally in maintaining stability in the Horn of Africa country.

“I call upon our State Legislators, Minnesota delegation and the State Department to urge the government of Ethiopia to permit peaceful protests and to open a constructive dialogue addressing legitimate grievances of the Oromo people.

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Abdi Salah
Senior Policy Aide
Minneapolis City Council – 6th Ward
350 South 5th Street, Room 307
Minneapolis, MN 55415



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