Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

Norway: Bergen streets in the fight against torture

Ethiopians demonstrating against the systematic torture of political prisoners in the country

October 27, 2013, Norway (BA) – We demonstrate in order to put pressure on the Norwegian government and the international community, so they can put pressure on the regime in Ethiopia , says EBSS Tesema to BA.

He explains that many of them are asylum seekers from the region of Oromia in Ethiopia , where the systematic injustice taking place.


Opposition politicians , journalists and regime critics are subjected to systematic torture at a police station in Addis Ababa , according to a Human Rights Watch report that was presented last week.

The police station is located in the heart of the capital Addis Abbeba in Oromia region .

Torture methods used include blow to the body with hard objects and flogging . Prisoners are also hung from the ceiling in very painful positions, writes Aftenposten.


Ethiopia’s ruling party , Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front ( EPRDF ) , has ruled the country for over 20 years. Following the disputed elections in 2005 , the authorities have turned down hard on the opposition.

Anti -terror laws since 2009 have been used to imprison both journalists and dissidents .

It is these conditions Ethiopians in Bergen will have an end.

With banners with slogans like ” Stop the torture of Oromo ” and ” Stop lavishing “, and the use of megaphones , spread the message to people in the downtown streets.



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