Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa





OROMO LIBERATION FRONT  وموروار يرح ت  ةھب  ج


Gaafa: Hagayya 4, 2013                                                  Lak:    Hag/001/2013

Date: August 4, 2013





Indiscriminate Killing of Innocent Peoples is a Crime Against Humanity!


The Oromo Liberation Front has learned the cold blooded massacre of our people by TPLF/EPRDF Federal police on August 3, 2013 in Wabe gafarsa village, Kofale town, West Arsi Zone, Oromia state.


The TPLF/EPRDF federal police massacred at least 25 innocent people and wounded hundreds who were peacefully demonstrating against illegal detention of their   Imams / mosque leaders/ without arrest warrant. The wounded were taken to local hospitals. After killing and wounding many people, the TPLF/EPRDF federal police has engaged in indiscriminate arrest of thousands innocent people from surrounding communities/ towns/. We strongly condemn this terrorist act of the TLF/EPRDF regime against our people.


Since it came to power, the TPLF/EPRDF regime  targeted for massacre the Oromo people in general and the Arsi Oromo in particular that it perceived   a  threat to its dictatorial minority regime.


This egregious crime against innocent people whom their crime was demanding the release of their leaders who were illegal detained through peaceful demonstration even guaranteed under the TPLF/EPRDF nominal constitution should be condemned by all peace loving community of the world .


We also recall with great rage a recent devilish  action by late TPLF/EPRDF tyrant Melse Zenawi   who said, “there is Al-Qada cell” in Arsi -Bale regions. Following his declaration, the TPLF/EPRDF  regime murdered innocent people who were gathered for Friday pray in Asaasaa town, Arsi Region. What happened yesterday is the continuation of the TPLF/EPRDF plan to exterminate the Arsi Oromo people.


It should be known to anybody by now that the TPLF/EPDRF has no more moral & legal authority to call itself the government of Ethiopian peoples. The Ethiopia peoples should use all means to protect themselves from this   terrorist regime destined to massacre them when even they demand their simple inalienable rights to worship their God  without the interference of the TPLF/EPRDF regime.


We call up on all Ethiopia peoples in general and the Oromo people in particular to use all means necessary to defend themselves from this brutal  & cruel regime that has engaged   in massacring them to cling to power.


We also call upon  oromos who serve this regime to turn their weapons against the regime that has been  killing your people.


Kamal Galchu


Oromo Liberation Front Chairman


August 4, 2013


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