Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

Ollaa: Oromo Legacy Leadership And Advocacy Association

IMPORTANT UPDATE: OLLAA is always seeking for opportunities to engage with Oromo communities around the world to bring light to the plight of our people. We appreciate the various supports we have been receiving from Oromo communities around the globe. We understand our success in properly advocating for our people is critical in our struggle and is a direct result of the support we have been getting. We will continue to closely work in Partnership and in collaboration with all Oromo communities to advance the Oromo cause.The event planned for September 12, 2020 in Minnesota with our Executive Director Seenaa Jimjimo was identified as an opportunity to engage with the members of the Little Oromia Oromo community. However, due to unforeseen and unplanned circumstances, we have agreed to postpone the event to a future date in agreement with former Consul General of Ethiopia and Diplomat Dr. Birhanemeskel Segni. We hope the extra time will allow for all of us to plan better for maximum impact. Even though we have decided to postpone the engagement at this time with Little Oromia, we will soon announce a new future date.We understand that this decision is an inconvenience to our supporters, certainly to the organizers, invited guests, and others involved with the event. We would like to extend our heartfelt apologies to everyone affected. Thank you,OLLAA TEAM MEMBERS

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