Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) launches Oromo Youth League (OYL)

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The Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) has launched the Oromo Youth League (OYL) on the 25th of January, 2014. The League is expected to organize and mobilize youths in Oromia Zones to peacefully and lawfully struggle for a democratic system that respects the social, economic, and political rights of the Oromo people in Ethiopia. Out of 18 zones in Oromia, 12 zones sent their representatives who in turn elected the 11 member executive committees in the presence of the Charman of OFC, Merera Gudina (Phd.), and the Secretary, Obbo Bekele Nega. The 11 Executive Committees that were elected by the members of the league are:
1.  Desta Dinka: North Shoa Zone
2.  Gurmessa Ayano: West Shoa Zone
3.  Alemu Abdissa: Illubabor Zone
4.  Misgane Yohannes: Qelem Wollega Zone
5.  Dereje Merga: East Wollega Zone
6.  Adisu Bulala: Guji Zone
7.  Fikru Mulatu: West Wollega Zone
8.  Tariku Mengesha: Finfine Zone
9.  Demissie Debelo: Finfine Zone
10.  Nesru Mohammed: East Arsi Zone
11.  Birhanu : West Shoa Zone
Merera Gudina, (PhD)Associate Professor of Political Science
& International Relations,
Addis Ababa University
Tel. +251-111-231067 (Office)
+ 251-911-213887 (Mobile)
POB 1176
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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