Categories: Oduu Oromiyaa

PEOPLES‘ALLIANCE FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY (PAFD) will address the public on 12th of March 2016 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


Every interested is invited to attend this meeting to understand the objectives of the Alliance and current political situation in Ethiopia. The meeting will start at 12.00am and will end by 10pm

The meeting is organised by Ogaden community and Oromo Student Union in Germany.

The Meeting will be held at Metropolitan Frankfurt Deutschherrnufer 12, 60594 Frankfurt/Main. Official from PAFD, human right activists, youth and women representative have been invited to present a paper on this conference. Some artistic shows like comedies will be entertained.

The organizing committee invited you to take your roll in a dignified and constructive discourse.

Dutschherrnufer 12(Jugendherberg) can be reached from Frankfurt am Main Central station (Hauptbahnhof) via right exit and catch Bus number 46 to the direction of  “Mühlberg” until bus stop  (Haltestelle) “Frankensteiner Platz.” Then from this on foot after a walk of 40 meters Jugendherberge of Deutschherrnuffer 12 will be reached.

Or    from Central station (Hauptbahnhof)   Straßenbahnlinie 16 to the direction of „Offenbach Stadtgrenze”  until stop  (Haltestelle) “Lokalbahnhof”  from there on foot follow   Dreieichstraße to the North direction until river Main then turn left and you will reach “Deutschherrnufer”.

For any inquiry please call:-

Oliiqaa: +4915217299850, Abdallaa: +4915219300976

Abdirhaman: +4915213233895,   Mohammed: +49-15213649580


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