
To Mr. António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Mr. António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Case Postale 2500 CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt Switzerland   Your Excellency Mr.…

9 years ago

Baqattoota Oromoo Yemen: Lubbuun teenya lubbuu sareellee hanqatte

Haala  hamaa  Baqattoonni  Oromoo  Biyya   Yemen   Keessa  Jiran ,,,, Nuti  Baqattoonni  Oromoo  Biyya  Yemen  haala  akkaan  Sodaachisaa  keessa  jirra  dhugumattuu …

9 years ago

Sad News: Five Oromo refugees die on the Sudanese-Libya border

According to a close source, five Oromo refugees have reportedly died and other wounded after they just crossed the border…

10 years ago

“Gudeedamuun isa salphaadha, kan kana caaluutu nurratti raawwatamaa jira”

Gaafiif deebisaa RSO haala baqattoota Oromoo biyya Yemen keessatti yeroo ammaa deemaa jiru laalchisee......

10 years ago

Dararamni biyya Yaman keessatti lammiilee Oromoorra gahaa jiru yoom dhaabbata laata?

    Abdii Boruutiin   Yoo jechootni soban suuraaleen hin soban. Wanti kaameeraan kaasu tokko waan ijaan argamu fi lafarra…

11 years ago