Who Killed Halachu Hundessaa?

Ethiopia has woken up to the shocking news of the assassination of Oromo musician and activist Halachu Hundessa who was shot dead in the capital Addis Ababa.

Hundreds of Oromo youth took to the streets of the capital Tuesday morning to express their anger at the killing of the musician they fondly called “Hache”

Questions are now been raised by the public over who killed the popular musician and why.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has sent his condolences following the assassination  and promised a full investigation in to the killing.

In a Facebook post PM Abiy Ahmed termed the killing “an evil act” and said the police had launched an investigation to ascertain who was behind Hacaaluu’s death.

Oromo  activist turned politician Jawar Mohamed said the killing targeted the whole Oromo nation.

“They did not just  kill Hachalu. They shot at the heart of the Oromo Nation, once again !! It was Tadesse Biru, Haile Fida, Elemo Qilxuu, Eebbisaa Addunyaa…now Hacaaluu! You can kill us, all of us, you can never ever stop us!! NEVER !!” Said the influential  politician who last October claimed the Abiy administration had plotted to eliminate him.

At his Addis Ababa residence security has been beefed up as tension heightened in the Oromia region where the musician hails from.

Haacaaluus assassination comes less than a week after he appeared on Oromo language tv OMN live interview to give his stance on the current political situation in Ethiopia.

In the interview he  stated that the Oromo people are “not free yet”.

He denied  reports that he supported the country’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and that he had received monetary  benefits from backing the Premier.
Hacaaluu criticised the former Ethiopian monarch Menelik II and the presence of the Emperor’s statue in the capital Addis Ababa.

Reports of his death has shocked the entire Oromo nation and in his home town Ambo residents took to the streets to condemn the killing.


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