Categories: Oduu Addunyaa

Al Shabab ambush kills 30 Ethiopian soldiers

Burhakaba, Somalia (Shabelle Network) – Heavy fighting broke out between Ethiopian forces serving under AU mission in Somalia ‘AMISOM’ and Al Shabaab militants in Jameco area 20 Km east of Burhakaba town in south of Somalia’s Bay region.

The fighting started with an IED hit a convoy of Ethiopian forces than Al Shabab militants armed with propelled grenades and machine guns launched an ambush assault on its military vehicles travelling through the town.

Al Shabab claimed to have killed at least 30 Ethiopian forces and destroyed 7 military technical convoys during the ambush raid according to pro Al Shabab website though Shabelle Media did not count that number.

Meanwhile, African Union and Somalia National army officials said that its troops had successfully repelled Al Shabab attacks, adding that militants fled from the area, AU statement reads.

AMISOM Sector Three Commander, Col Yemane Gabremichael says the militants attempted to attack the convoy on the Leego – Buur Hakaba road but were overpowered by AMISOM and Government forces.

Burhakaba, a town 150 Km northeast of Mogadishu is under control of Somalia National Army, along with African Union mission in Somalia-known as AMISOM, which battling Al Shabab militants the past 5 years.


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