“Utubaan haga dhiiban qaba, haga dhiisan qaba” jedha Oromoon.
Faranjoonnis ” enough is enough” jedhu.
Waan hinhubanne keessatti gubachuun gowwumaadha.
To: J/Dawud Ibsa.
OLF’s Chairman
Addis Ababa.
I, Temam Bati re-joined OLF in February 2020 after quiting from another Oromo political Organization in hopes of contributing to the Oromo struggle led by OLF. When I re-joined the Organisation, I had hopes that all members are treated equally and be given a chance at contributing their fair share to the advancement of the struggle.
Unfortunately, that was not the case in current OLF and I can no longer stand by and watch helplessly.
Therefore, for the reasons stated above and personal reasons I am hereby resigning from OLF’s CC member and OLF’s membership effective immediately.
I wish you well in your future enduovers.
Temam Bati.
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