Categories: Oduu Addunyaa

More than 400 migrants drown in the Mediterranean after four overcrowded boats capsized whilst crossing from Egypt to Italy

Most of the 400 migrants aboard the boat were fleeing from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea and had been hoping to reach Italy. (file picture)

Dozens of African migrants have reportedly drowned after a boat carrying 400 people capsized in the Mediterranean Sea.

Most of the 400 migrants aboard the boat were fleeing from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea and had been hoping to reach Italy.

Somali media reports say that rescue workers have only managed to save 29 passengers from the waters after the shocking incident.

Over 400 migrants are thought to have drowned, the Somali ambassador in Egypt told BBC Arabic.

Social media users have claimed that the boat had started its journey in Egypt with Italy being its intended destination, a route favoured by many smugglers.

Photographs of a handwritten list of victims names have been uploaded on to social media by several Somali speaking users.


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