Categories: Oduu Addunyaa

ONLF captures a village in the Godey Zone

November 2, 2013 (Ogaden today Press)- Sources close to the Ogaden regional administration confirmed to Ogaden today Press that ONLF captured the village of Bantureed near the city of Godey in the Beercaano district.

This attack took place last night according to the sources who spoke to Ogaden today press

According to the sources, Ethiopian soldiers who are regionally known as the “Liyuu Police” were killed in the attack.

The Ethiopian government sent a lot of its troops from the city of Godey to the village and its surrounding where they began arresting both “Liyuu Police” and civilians in the area and accusing them of standing idly and doing nothing when the ONLF were present in the city and when they were taking ammunition and weapons from a weapons depot

Sources so far confirm that amongst those who were arrested include the following names. These people were given 10 years of imprisonment.

1. Nuur Daahir
2. Axmed Suldaan
3. Cumer Xassan
4. Kaamil Miyir
5. Afwaax
6. Xaliimo Qooqan

Besides them there are up to fifty other civilians who have been arrested and are awaiting sentencing.

The past few days the region has seen an increase in heavy fighting. Ogaden today Press has can further confirm that some district leaders in Beercaano have been sentenced to at least 25 years of imprisonment.

Further details to come as soon as we obtain more information

Ethiopian Paramilitary Forces have long accused of human right abuses in Ogaden Region but Ethiopia denies the accusations.

Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen and his delegation have visited recently the area for investment.

Since 2005, Ethiopia government isolated Ogaden region from the World, Ethiopia imposed a ban all international aid and media organizations in Ogaden despite some are operating under the permit of intelligence surveillances.

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) fighting for the self-determination of Ogaden Region in Ethiopia since 1994.

Ogaden today press


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